- Current Activity
- Teachings in the undergraduate studies, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and in the continuing education programmes
- Research and transfer projects in the field of Liechtenstein, European and International Corporate Law as well as legal cross-section matters
- Education
- 2010 — 2012
Executive Master of Laws (LL.M.) in corporate, foundation and trust law (www.uni.li/llm-gesellschaftsrecht)
- 2009 — 2012
ph.d. at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
("Consideration of attributions on the claim to a compulsory portion in comparison with the reformed german law of succession", ISBN 978–3-941586–77–2) - 2008
Passing the Second legal state examination, Munich
- 2008
successfully completing a training as "Certified Executor of will" (AGT)
- 2007 — 2010
Corrector for Civil and Public Law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
- 2007
Successfully passing the seminar "Specialist Solicitor for Succession Law"
- 2006 — 2008
Legal trainee (german "Rechtsreferendar") at the Country Court Munich, Criminal Court Munich and District Office Erding
- 2006
Passing the First legal state examination, Munich
- 2001 — 2006
Studies in Law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
- 2000
High school diploma, Gymnasium Dorfen
- Career
- 2013 — 2014
Assistant professor at the Chair of Company, Foundation and Trust Law, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz
- 2010 — 2012
Research assistant at the Chair of Company, Foundation and Trust Law, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz; since 11/2012 Post-doctorate
- 2009
Holding Propaedeutic Tutorials (basic classes) for Civil Law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
(PD Dr. Rüdiger Wilhelmi; Prof. Dr. Michael Lehmann, Dipl.Kfm.) - since 2008
Barrister, Bar Association Munich
- 2008 — 2009
Scientific Research Assistant at the Institute for Public law, International- and European law, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
(PD Dr. Thilo Rensmann LL.M.) - 2008
Legal training experience at RP Richter & Partner, Munich
- Memberships
- since 2013
Liechtenstein Academic Society
- since 2011
Society of Young Civil Law Scholars (www.gjz.ch)
- since 2008
Munich Juridical Society
- since 2008
Society for Law of Comparison
- since 2008
German Lawyers Association
- since 2008
German Lawyers Society (DAV)
- Asset Protection - Recht und Wirtschaft im nationalen und internationalen Umfeld
- FFF-Förderprojekt, January 2011 until October 2014 (finished)
This research project tackled the question of the degree to which Liechtenstein private law and any related legal fields still meet the current requirements made of private wealth management, or ... more ...
- Company Law Relevant to the Financial Centre: Determination of the Status Quo and Preparation of the Theoretical Principles for Pioneering Development
- WTT, December 2009 until September 2011 (finished)
The purpose of the project is to undertake a systematic analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Liechtenstein company law relevant to the financial centre. Theoretical principles will be compiled ... more ...
von Schönfeld, J. (2013). Die Partei- und Prozessfähigkeit einer gelöschten Verbandsperson. Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung(1/2013), 49-52.
morevon Schönfeld, J. (2013). Tagungsbericht: Asset Protection: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen am Finanzplatz Liechtenstein. Die Privatstiftung(1/2013), 44-45.
morevon Schönfeld, J. (2012). Tagungsbericht: Liechtenstein feiert 200 Jahre ABGB. Österreichische Juristen Zeitung(2012/59), 573-574.
morevon Schönfeld, J. (2011). Tagungsbericht: 10. Hamburger Tage des Stiftungs- und NonProfit-Rechts. Die Privatstiftung(1/2011), 45.
von Schönfeld, J. (2013). Die Anrechnung von Zuwendungen auf den Pflichtteil im Rechtsvergleich mit dem reformierten deutschen Recht. Bonn: Zerb Verlag.
von Schönfeld, J. (2012). Der Gemeinnützigkeitsbegriff im liechtensteinischen Recht - Pflichtteilsrechtliche Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Paper presented at the Der Generationenwechsel in der Stiftungslandschaft, Vaduz.
von Schönfeld, J. (2011). Der Gemeinnützigkeitsbegriff im liechtensteinischen Recht - Pflichtteilsrechtliche Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Presented at the 4. Liechtensteinischer Stiftungsrechtstag, Universität Liechtenstein.
morevon Schönfeld, J. (2010). Anrechnung von Zuwendungen auf den Pflichtteil - Regelungen in Deutschland und Österreich im Kurzvergleich. Presented at the Seminar "Internationales Erbrecht", Max-Planck-Institut, München.
von Schönfeld, J. (2013). Doktorarbeit: Die Anrechnung von Zuwendungen auf den Pflichtteil im Rechtsvergleich mit dem reformierten deutschen Recht. , Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck.