HomeWho 's who

Prof. Carmen de Jong

Current Activity
Carmen de Jong is Professor of Geography at the Mountain Centre, Université de Savoie, France since 2006 and was Scientific Director of the Mountain Institute from 2006-2009. She holds the MA degree in Physical Geography fro the University of Aberdeen, Scotland (1989), a PhD in Physical Geography from the free University of Berlin (1993) and a habilitation in Geography from the University of Bonn, Germany (2005). Her main research areas cover sustainable development in mountain areas and bridging the gap between researchers, policy makers, stakeholders and media from the local to international level. Her work focusses on integrated management of high altitude resources under concerns of hydrological extremes, natural hazards, climate change, tourism, winter sports, agriculture, ICT and climate neutrality. She compiled a comphrehensive report on Climate Neutral Land Use and Nutrition in the Alps for the pilot study "Climate Neutral Alpine Region by 2050" for the Bavarian Ministry of Environment under the guidance of the Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy in 2009. The promotion of stakeholder networks assembling local knowledge on climate and anthropogenic change is an important part of her work. She coordinated the EU project Alp-Water-Scarce and participated in ClimAlpTour between 2008-2010. Between 2009 and 2011 she was President of Cryospheric Sciences at the European Geosciences Union. Currently, she is European Co-Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Sciences (2011-2013), Steering Committe Member of the European Dialogue Platform on Climate Change Adaptatioin and the Water and Energy Nexus of the EWP and Scientific Advirsory Commitee Member of IAHS Pridctions in Ungauged Basins. Her teaching experience covers a wide range of issues from water management, water scarcity, climatology, natural risks, geomorphology tourism and economic opportunities in mountains and and arid regions.

Qualification as Professor in the French Higher Education System in Geography, Section23, CNU (Nationl University Council), Paris, France


Habilitation in Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bonn, Germany


PhD in Physical Geography, Institute of Geographical Sciences, FU Berlin, Germany


M.A. Honours Degree in Physical Geography, Geography Department, University of Aberdeen, Scotland

since 2009

Professor, Montain Centre, University of Savoy, France

2008 — 2010

Initiator and Coordinatior of the Alpine Space Interreg Project Alp.Water Scarce (Water Management Strategies against Water Carcity in the Alps)

2008 — 2010

Workpackage leader in the Alpine Space Interreg Project ClimAlpTour (Climate Change and its impacts on tourism in the alpine space)

2007 — 2009

Director of the UMS CNRS "Mountains" (Interdisciplinary Platform for applied mountain research of the French National Centre for Scientific Research)

2007 — 2009

co-Chair, UNESCO Chair for Water Resources (with the University of Irkutsk, Russia)

2006 — 2009

Professor and Scientific Director, Mountain Institute, University of Savoy, France

2005 — 2006

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Geography and Management, University of Strasburg, France

2002 — 2006

Scientific assistant, lecturer and leader of subproject B2 Hydrology (MNFBF) GLOWA-IMPETUS Morocco, Institute of Geography, University of Bonn, Germany

2000 — 2002

Guest Lecturer, Institute of Geo-ecology, University of Potsdam, Germany


Visiting Scientist, (research semester), Institute of Environmental Sciences and Soil Science, University of Lleida, Spain

1998 — 2002

Project Leader and Lecturer, Institute of Geographical Sciences, FU Berlin, Germany


DFG Postdoc, WSL Birmensdorf, Switzerland


Scientific Assistant, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany

1991 — 1993

PhD student, Institute of Geographical Sciences, FU Berlin, Germany

1989 — 1990

Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, Geography Department, University of Aberdeen, Scotland


Scholarship of the German Scholars Organization for "Building Bridges-Top Researchers for Germany, Top Research in Germany", Berlin, Germany


Scholarship for the Habilitation of the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU)


Postdoctoral scholarship of the German Research Foundation (DFG)


Lausanne Price of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and International Association of Hydrogeology (IAH) for the PhD thesis in the section Geology, Applied Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology.

1991 — 1993

Scholarship of the German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)


Geography Price, Dover College, England


Distinction in Geography "S" level

since 2011

Member of the Steering Committee, European Dialogue on climate change adaptation and the Water and Energy Nexus, European Water Partnership, Brussels, Belgium

since 2011

LISDAR (Liechtenstein Congress for Sustainable Development and Responsible Investment)

since 2011

Scientific Advisory Committee Member of IAHS (International Association of Hdrological Sciences), Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB), Putting PUB into Practice, Canmore, Canada

2011 — 2013

European Co-Chair, Gordon REsearch Conferences, Catchment Sciences, Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry, USA

since 2008

Member of the Science Committee of the Federation of Lake Annecy, Annecy, France

2007 — 2009

President of Cryospheric Sciences, European Geosciences Union (EGU)

since 2004

Member of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)

since 2004

Member of IEMSS (International Environmental Modelling and Software Society)

since 2001

Member of MRI (Mountain Research Initiative), Berne, Switzerland

2001 — 2006

Member of the EAF (European Academy for Women in Politics and Economy), Berlin, Germany

since 1997

Member, German Working Group on High Mountain Ecology

1993 — 2003

Member, EGS (European Geophysical Society)

since 1992

Member, IAHS (International Association of Hydrological Sciences)

Reviewer Services

Expert reviewer for the 2012 IPCC Report "Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaption". Working Groups I and II

since 1993

Reviewer for various Research- and Environmental Foundations, Organisations and Ministries in Europe and Near East

since 1993

Reviewer for 20 different journals in Hydrology, Water Management, Mountains, Agriculture and Geomorphology

  • Droege, P., & de Jong, C. (2016, 7.06. - 10.06.2016). Creating Resilient Landscapes to Floods and Droughts in the European Alps via Citizen Science Diagnostics. 1st conference on Citizen Observatories for Water Management, Venice, Italy.
