HomeWho 's who

Prof. Dr. habil. Andri Gerber

Institute of Architecture and Planning

Habilitation "Städtebau? Eine Sozial- und Wissensgeschichte", gta Institut, ETH Zürich, Schweiz


Dr. sc. ETH Zürich, ETH Medal for excellent PhD
made possible thorugh different grants:
"Fellowship for prospective researchers", the Swiss National Science Foundation"
"Exchange scholarships for excellent young ETH Zürich Scientists: Tokyo Institute of Technology"
travel grant - "Erich-Degen Stiftung
Scholarship "Urban Forms. Conditions and Consequences" at the gta institute, ETH Zürich

2004 — 2008

Doctoral student at the ETH Zurich: Dissertation thesis: "City as text. Peter Eisenmann and the utopia of the narrator-city. Studies for a theory of urban metaphors". Prof. Dr. Lampugnani (ETHZ) and Prof. Dr. Bronfen (University Zurich). Awarded with ETH MEdal

2003 — 2005

Hearer at the University Zürich, literature, linguistics and philosophy


Architecture diploma ETHZ

1993 — 2000

Architectural studies, ETH Zurich, dipl. Arch. ETH, Diploma thesis with Prof. Oswald


High school graduation in Chur, Switzerland

since 2011

Senior lecturer, History and Theory of Architecture, ZHAW Winterthur

2010 — 2012

Senior lecturer, History and Theory of Architecture, University of Liechtenstein

2009 — 2011

Head of the postgraduate program "Mutationes urbaines" (with Ghorayeb and Sautereau), Ecole spéciale d'architecture de Paris

2008 — 2011

Assistant professor at the École Spéciale d'Architecture de Paris:

2008 — 2010

Research fellow, University of Luzern

2007 — 2008

Visiting professor, École Spéciale d'Architecture de Paris

2002 — 2004

Assistant ETHZ, Prof. Angélil

2002 — 2004

Project architect and architect in charge for Peter Eisenman, New York

2000 — 2002

Project architect and architect-in-charge, Peter Eisenman, New York

2012 — 2015

"Ambizione Grant", the Swiss National Science Foundation for the project: "Urbanism? A history of knowledge", gta Institut, ETH Zürich

2006 — 2007

"Fellowship for prospective researchers", the Swiss National Science Foundation, Columbia University, New York/ETH Zurich, Referent Prof. Frampton


Exchange Scholarships for excellent young ETH Zurich Scientists: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Prof. Tsukamoto (Atelier Bow-Wow)

2004 — 2006

Scholarship holder of the postgraduate program "Urban Forms. Conditions and Consequences" at the gta Institute, ETH Zurich

  • Gerber, A., Staub, P., & Alessi, A. (2014). Metageschichte. Ein Lehrbuch für angehende Architekten und Architekturhistoriker. Bielefeld: Transcript.

  • Gerber, A., & Patterson, B. (2013). Metaphors in Architecture and Urbanism. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

  • Gerber, A., Kurath, S., & Schurk, H. (2013). Methodenhandbuch für Lehre, Forschung und Praxis, in Architektur und Städtebau. Winterthur: ZHAW.

  • Gerber, A., Staub, P., & Alessi, A. (. (2013). Raumkultur und Identität. Salenstein: Niggli Verlag.

  • Gerber, A. (2012). Theorie der Städtebaumetaphern, Peter Eisenman und die Stadt als Text. Zürich: Chronos Verlag.

  • Gerber, A., Unruh, T., & Geissbühler, D. (2010). Forschende Architektur. Luzern: Quart Verlag.

  • Gerber, A. (2004). Peter Eisenman. Rom: Edlistampa.

  • P. Staub, A. Alessi & A. Gerber (Eds.). (2013). Positionen 6: Raumkultur und Identität. Sulgen: Niggli Verlag.
