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Univ.-Prof. im Ruhestand MMag. Dr. Norbert Kailer

Contribution of mindfulness and/or self-leadership training program to the meaningful potential development of current and future leaders in organization especially in the context of VUCA
PhD-Thesis, since September 2019

The main research project is about an intervention study whereby part-time students (with several years of working experience) and fulltime students (some working experience) are allocated to three ... more ...

Improving Entrepreneurial Cognition in Entrepreneurship Education
PhD-Thesis, February 2019 until July 2022 (finished)

Psychology-based research on entrepreneurship investigates personal characteristics as distinguishing factor of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. Over the last decades, the focus of inquiry ... more ...

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2019). Kooperation von Start-ups mit mittleren und grösseren Unternehmen: Ansatzpunkte zur Sicherung des Kooperationserfolges. WING-Business, 4/2019, 6-9.

  • Hora, W., Gast, J., Kailer, N., Rey-Marti, A., & Mas-Tur, A. (2018). David and Goliath: causes and effects of coopetition between start-ups and corporates. Review of Managerial Science, 12(2), 411-439. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Kailer, N., & Hora, W. (2017). Zusammenarbeit zwischen Grossunternehmen und Start-ups. Wien: Österreichisches Inkubatorennetzwerk AplusB.

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2019). Die Rolle des Controllers im Prozess der Geschäftsmodellinnovation. In B. Feldbauer-Durstmüller & S. Mayr (Eds.), Controlling - Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen (pp. 455-469). Wiesbaden: Springer/Gabler.

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2018). Zusammenarbeit von Start-ups mit größeren Unternehmen. In N. Kailer & G. Weiß (Eds.), Gründungsmanagement kompakt (6th ed., pp. 223-226). Wien: Linde.

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2017). Von der Raupe zum Schmetterling - Erfolgs- und Wachstumsfaktoren junger Start-Ups. In C. Mieke & C. Siemon (Eds.), Gründung und Innovation (pp. 221-239). Berlin: Logos.

  • Klammer, A., Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2019). Heading for new shores: What corporates have to (un)learn when collaborating with start-ups. Presented at the 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES), Prague: University of Economics Prague.

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2018). Structuring coopetitive relationships between Start-ups and Corporates: An exploratory approach. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.

  • Hora, W., Thies, F., & Kailer, N. (2018). An exploratory study of characteristics and personality traits of young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial teams, and intrapreneurs. Presented at the 6th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES), University of Economics Prague, Prague.

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2016). Schneller, höher, weiter: Eine empirische Analyse von Geschäftsmodellen junger schnell wachsender KMU. Presented at the 20. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Germany.

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2016). The Contribution of Business Modelling to support Firm Growth. Presented at the European University Entrepreneurship Network (ESU), Lyon: EMLYON Business School.

  • Kailer, N., & Hora, W. (2015). Impact Analysis of Entrepreneurship Education Lessons learned from an alumni study. Presented at the EFER Alumni Conference, Amsterdam: VU University of Amsterdam.

  • Kailer, N., & Hora, W. (2017). Entrepreneurial Intentions and Activities of Students at Austrian Universities. Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey (GUESSS).
