Semester:WS 21/22
Scheduled in semester:1
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h
Scheduled in semester:1
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h
Module coordination/Lecturers
- Dr. iur. Judith Ellen Sild
Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2012)Events
The module law includes an introduction into the public law of Liechtenstein and principles of civil right.
- Introduction to the legal system of Liechtenstein
- Regional specifics of the Liechtenstein state form
- Priciples of the state organisation law
- Legislative process
- Function oft he EEA and impact of EEA membership on the legal system of Liechtenstein
- Legal business
- General law of obligations (Performance disruption, warranty, changes in the contractual obligation)
- Contract law (types of contracts)
- Tort law
- Property law
- Consumer protection law
- know the Liechtenstein legal system.
- know the functions, the requirements, the effects and risks of legal actions.
- know the economic-relevant topics of contractual and noncontractual liability and property law.
- recognise the differences between public and civil law.
- describe the specific risks in the B2C and B2B-area.
- apply the learned theoretical basics by solving practical cases.
- recognize different types of contracts and identify similarities and differences.
- work out different types of contracts.
- select suitable solution strategies by taking into account specific information.
- know the underlying sources of law as well as relevant literature.
- understand the basic structure of the individual legal sources.
- are capable to interpret the underlying legal sources accordingly.
- solve practical cases with reference to the legal basics and relevant literature.
- are able to compare different types of contracts and identify similarities and differences.
- elaborate different types of contracts independently, taking into account the legal basics and the relevant literature.
- assess practical case constellations with regard to applicable public and civil law
- follow the course held by lecturer (input, issues and solutions) and pay attentio to remarks of fellow students.
- solve the tasks of the lecturer in small groups as well as during self-studies.
- asses solution-suggestions from fellow students (being able to provide constructive criticism).
- are characterised by special skills in teamwork, communication and the ability to cooperate.
- express and justify their own solution proposals in case of criticism by lecturer or fellow students (ability to accept criticism).
- perceive their own learning ability and motiviation.
- communicate autonomously, reflect upon their own actions and assess themselves.
- perform by self-discipline, flexibility and target-orientation.
- stand out by their commitment, conscientiousness and reliability.
- represent their self-reliance and self-motivation and thereby positively influence their motivation.
Exam Modalities
Final examination at the end of the semester.