BAER - Bodensee/Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley Energy- and Climate Region

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Type and Duration

IBH-Förderprojekt, October 2009 until June 2013 (finished)


Institute of Architecture and Planning

Main Research

Sustainable Planning and Construction

Field of Research

Sustainable Urban Design


BAER is a multi-university research project in the fields of autonomic self-supply with renewable energies, sustainable urban design and decrease of regional climate- and enery risks, financed by the Interreg-programm - Internationale Bodenseehochschule - as well as by liechtenstein foundations and companies located in the partner countries. Initiated and leaded by the University of Liechtenstein the project consists of a team of University of St. Gallen, Hochschule Konstanz, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil and Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Winterthur. The project is focused on resilient urban design and mobility, integration of renewable energies in residential areas and buildings, energy efficiency in existing buildings, solar mobility and stance on renewable energies of population. In 2013, the project will be finished, and it has already delivered important results for teaching and other research intentions.

Practical Application

Development-oriented Goals
1. The goal of the project is to build on the research and teaching capacity of the Lake Constance universities and, to be sure, employ knowledge areas related to energy resource risks and climate change. As such, the project will strive for the development and growth of a research and communications network.
2. Throughout the course of the project, the public should be informed about project milestones, results and directions through goal-focused communications strategy.
3. Date and information collection should take place so as to enrich the specific knowledge areas and contribute to the overall capacity {of participants to reduce their environmental footprint}.

Content Goals
1. The framework of the project should allow for the Lake Constance region to explore technical, organizational and economic possibilities for shifting to dependence on renewable energy. This includes preliminary inquiry into the social, economic and ecological potential, benefits and costs represented by new economic, technological and institutional development possibilities. Special attention should be given to the alternatives for regional development, city development and architecture.
2. Further, regional and local effects/consequences of climate change in the Lake Constance region should be evaluated using the most robust science. Likewise, the effects of generating renewable energy shall be thoroughly investigated.
3. Moreover, the risks and possible effects of the global oil shortage, from oil dependency risks and climate change and from the advisable reduction of coal-supplied electricity for the Lake Constance region, would be modeled/ portrayed.

Further information:

Reference to Liechtenstein

Das Projekt ist fokussiert auf resiliente Raumentwicklung und Mobilität, Integration erneuerbarer Energien in Siedlungen und Gebäuden, Energieeffizienz im Gebäudebestand, Solarmobilität und die Einstellung der Bevölkerung zu erneuerbaren Energien im Fürstentum Liechtenstein und der gesamten Energieregion Bodensee-Alpenrhein.


Solar architecture, Renewable energy, Market research, Regional development planning, Sustainable Construction




  • Neumann, H.-M., Schär, D., & Baumgartner, F. (2011). The Potential of Photovoltaic Carports to Cover the Energy Demand of Road Passenger Transport. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 11.

  • Neumann, H.-M., Genske, D., & Droege, P. (2011). Transport Aspects of Local and Regional Energy Autonomy. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 1(3), 187-195.

  • P. Droege (Ed.). (2011). Dimensionen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in den Alpen. Vaduz: Universität Liechenstein.

  • Radzi, A., & Droege, P. (2012). Governance tools for local energy autonomy. In J. Knieling & W. Leal Filho (Eds.), Climate Change Governance. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

  • Neumann, H.-M. (2011). Regionale Mobilität - erneuerbar und klimafreundlich. In H.-P. Hege, Y. Knappstein, R. Meng, K. Ruppenthal, P. Zakrzewski & A. Schmitz-Veltin (Eds.), Schneller, öfter, weiter? Perspektiven der Raumentwicklung in der Mobilitätsgesellschaft (Vol. 1, pp. 202-215). Hannover: Verlag der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung.

  • Neumann, H.-M. (2011). Der Fußabdruck energieautonomer Mobilität. In Universität Liechtenstein (Ed.), Dimensionen der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung in den Alpen (pp. 75-88). Vaduz.

  • Droege, P. (2010). Klimaoase Werdenberg in einer energieautonomen Region - unausweichliche Zukunft. In Werdenberger Jahrbuch 2011 : Buchs Medien.

  • Droege, P., Neumann, H.-M., & Radzi, A. (2010). Bodensee-Alpenrhein Energieregion (BAER). In Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung der Hochschule Liechtenstein (Ed.), Architektur Liechtenstein 2010 (pp. 86-91). Sulgen, Zürich: Niggli.

  • Neumann, H.-M., Schär, D., Tappeser, B., & Baumgartner, F. (2011). The Potential of PV Carports to Cover the Energy Demand of Road Passenger Transport. Paper presented at the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg.

  • Neumann, H.-M., Genske, D., & Droege, P. (2011). Transport Aspects of Local and Regional Energy Autonomy. Paper presented at the REACT - Supporting Research on Climate-friendly Transport, Belgrade.

  • Neumann, H.-M., & Baumgartner, F. (2011). Die Rolle der solarelektrischen Mobilität in einer postfossilen Verkehrsregion. Paper presented at the 2. Bodenseesymposium "Regionale Energiekonzepte", Konstanz.

  • Neumann, H.-M., Genske, D., & Droege, P. (2011). Regionale Energieautonomie und Elektromobilität im GIS. Paper presented at the Elektromobilität - Baustein für eine umfassende Neugestaltung der Mobilität? Jahrestagung des AK Verkehr der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie (DGFG), Tübingen.

  • Droege, P. a. (2010). From renewable city to resilient region. Paper presented at the International Conference on Building Efficiency (icbp), Berlin.

  • Neumann, H.-M. (2010). A framework for renewable energy based mobility in the Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Energy Region. Paper presented at the Liechtenstein Congress on Sustainable Development and Responsible Investing (LISDAR), Vaduz.

  • Neumann, H.-M. (2010). Klima, Energie, Nachhaltige Mobilität. Paper presented at the Pro.Motion Conference, Vaduz.

  • Droege, P. a. (2010). BAERNET.ORG - Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Energy Region. Paper presented at the CONSENSE - Conference for Sustainable Building, Stuttgart.

  • Droege, P. (2013, 28.02.2013). Die Bodensee-Region als energetischer Selbstversorger. Drittes Bodensee-Symposium, HRWG Konstanz.

  • Droege, P. (2013, 15.01.2013). Renewable cities and regenerative regions: models for 100% renewable and beyond. World Future Energy Summit (WFES), Abu Dhabi.

  • Droege, P. (2013, 21.06.2013). Impulsvortrag zu "Smart City". Internationale Konferenz Stadt neu bauen, Internationale Bauausstellung/HafenCity Hamburg, Deutschland.

  • Droege, P. (2013, 13.05.2013). Notwendigkeit und Chance einer hundertprozentig erneuerbaren Bodenseeregion. Energievisionen, Kulturzentrum Konstanz, Deutschland.

  • Droege, P. (2013, 13.08.2013). Communities, Cities and Regions as Renewable Power Stations. AECOM Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

  • Droege, P. (2013, 13.09.2013). Intervention on "What kind of renewable energy for what kind of region?", for "Energising Europe". Extraordinary Meeting of the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions, Frauenkirchen, Burgenland, Austria.

  • Droege, P. (2012, 08.03.2012). Klimawandel und Energiewende ganzheitlich. Hearing Windkraft und Landschaft, Illmensee, Deutschland.

  • Droege, P. (2012, 06.11.2012). Öffentliche Präsentation "Energiewende der Städte". Energiewende der Städte, HTWG Konstanz.

  • Droege, P. (2012, 13.09.2012-15.09.2012). Plenarsprecher, BAER-Prozesse und Resultate. Bluetech Konferenz, Winterthur, Schweiz.

  • Droege, P. (2012, 20.04.2012). Vorstellungsvortrag als neuer wissenschaftlicher Beirat der GAIA. , Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg, Deutschland.

  • Droege, P. (2012, 19.12.2012). Regenerative Region: Mandat unserer Zeit. Green Region-eine Initiative für ein regionales, ökologisches und partnerschaftliches Wachstumsmodell, darmstatdium, Darmstadt, Deutschland.
