- Schedule for SS 24
- Design Thinking (Lecture)
- MBA T&I: Masterthesis Workshop I (Lecture)
- MBA T&I: Projektmanagement (Lecture)
- Wie können analoge und virtuelle Instrumente zur Innenstadtbelebung von Kleinstädten im ländlichen Raum beitragen? - Eine ökonomische Betrachtung am Beispiel des Einzelhandels
- PhD-Thesis, February 2017 until January 2023 (finished)
Die Thematik des Innenstadtsterbens rückt in der Praxis zunehmend in der Vordergrund. Megatrends und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, wie die zunehmende Intensivierung des Onlinekonsums, führen zu ... more ...
- The role of cognitive flexibility in entrepreneurial opportunity recognition
- FFF-Förderprojekt, February 2016 until June 2018 (finished)
Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition is considered as a pivotal capability for entrepreneurial action and success. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who operate in complex and competitive ... more ...
- Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition and Business Ideation from a Cognitive Perspective
- PhD-Thesis, February 2015 until July 2018 (finished)
The recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities is impetus for any entrepreneurial action, and thus builds the basis for entrepreneurial success. In this context, entrepreneurial opportunities ... more ...
- FFF-Förderprojekt, April 2012 until January 2014 (finished)
Ziel des Forschungsprojekts „FLUIDGLASS CUBE“ ist es, von einem einzelnen mit Flüssigkeit durchströmten Fassadenelement einen Schritt weiter zu gehen, hin zu Gebäuden mit einer Fluidglashülle. Das ... more ...
- Organizational Transformation from a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective
- FFF-Förderprojekt, February 2012 until April 2014 (finished)
Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es unser Verständnis von Wandel- und Transformationsprozesse in Organisationen die in einem dynamischen Umfeld operieren zu verbessern. Um dies zu erreichen werden ... more ...
- Organizational Transformation in Dynamic Environments - Understanding Success Factors for the Implementation of “Design Thinking” Processes from a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective
- PhD-Thesis, March 2011 until August 2014 (finished)
Especially technology driven firms are facing a faster rate of change than ever before. The main drivers are new technological developments, changing demands from customers and fierce competition. ... more ...
- New Partners for Innovation - Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs): A theoretical framework for mutually benefiting NGO-business partnerships in open innovation
- PhD-Thesis, March 2010 until December 2013 (finished)
By using a mixed-method approach, the thesis wishes to show both from a quantitative and a qualitative perspective, if and how the collaboration of companies with IGOs and (I)NGOs fosters innovation. ... more ...
- Precision Innovation - Innovation for SME
- December 2009 until September 2010 (finished)
Im Rahmen von 5 Workshops zu Themenbereichen der Innovation, des Model Based Company Developments und der Business Model Innovation, werden Unternehmen der Liechtensteiner Zulieferindustrie über 9 ... more ...
- Innovation System Switzerland
- March 2009 until June 2010 (finished)
On behalf of the Swiss Science and Technology Council, the team of the Chair of Technology and Entrepreneurship compiled a review of the situation of the Swiss Innovaation System 2009. After ... more ...
Zagorac-Uremovic, Z., Palmer, C., Marxt, C., & Kraus, S. (2018). Kognitive Prozesse der Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: Eine Literaturanalyse. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 66(3), 185-210. (VHB_3: C)
moreMarxt, C., & Brunner, C. (2013). Analyzing and improving the national innovation system of highly developed countries - The case of Switzerland. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(6), 1035-1049. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)
moreElkuch, A., Brunner, C., & Marxt, C. (2013). Reciprocal crowdfunding as means to enable student and graduate entrepreneurship in Africa - as case study of Rwanda. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 19(4). (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)
moreBrunner, C., & Marxt, C. (2013). Nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and businesses in joint product innovation - Development of a theoretical framework for "green" products. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 7(2), 192-211. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)
moreKraus, S., Marxt, C., Filser, M., & Guieu, G. (2011). Strategic Entrepreneurship – Analyse der Strukturen und Entwicklung des Forschungsfeldes. Zeitschrift für KMU & Entrepreneurship, 59(3), 203-228. (VHB_3: C)
moreHacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2010). An Evolutionary Perspective on Convergence: Inducing a Stage Model of Inter-industry Innovation. International Journal of Technology Management, 49(1/2/3), 220-249. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)
moreHacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2009). Co-evolutionary Cycles of Convergence: An Extrapolation from ICT Industry. Technology Forecasting and Social Change Journal, 76(6), 723-736. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)
moreInganäs, M., Hacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2009). Sponsored, Contract and Collaborative Research: Towards a Model of Science-Industry Knowledge Transfer. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization. (ABS_2021: 1)
moreWallnöfer, M., & Marxt, C. (2009). Dominant Business Model Components in Early Stage Technology Based Ventures: A Starting Point for Innovation. The Proceedings of The XX ISPIM Conference.
morePiekkola, A., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2008). The creation of dynamic capabilities in high-tech start-ups: A theoretical framework for their identification and measurement. International Journal of Production Economics. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)
moreInganäs, M., Harder, M., & Marxt, C. (2007). Measuring the Science to Market Gap: The Case of New Energy Technologies. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)
moreHacklin, F., Inganäs, M., Plüss, A., & Marxt, C. (2006). Core rigidities in the innovation process: a structured benchmark on knowledge management challenges. International Journal of Technology Management. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)
moreHacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2006). Strategic venture partner selection for collaborative innovation in production systems: a decision support system based approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 104. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)
moreInganäs, M., Hacklin, F., Plüss, A., & Marxt, C. (2006). Knowledge management with focus on the innovation process in collaborative networking companies. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations.
moreHacklin, F., Raurich V., & Marxt, C. (2005). Implications of Technological Convergence on Innovation Trajectories the Case of ICT Industry. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 313-330. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)
moreMarxt, C., & Hacklin, F. (2005). Design, product development, innovation: all the same in the end? A short discussion on terminology. Journal of Engineering Design, 16.
moreLink, P., & Marxt, C. (2004). Integration of risk- and chance management in the co-operation process. International Journal of Production Economics, 90. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)
moreMarxt, C., & Link, P. (2002). Success Factors for Cooperative Ventures in Innovation and Production Systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 77. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)
moreMarxt, C. (2000). Innovationskooperationen - Eine besondere Organisationsform für mittelständische Unternehmen. Insights.
moreMarxt, C., Staufer, A., & Bichsel, A. (1998). Innovationskooperationen in der Schweiz. Io Management.
moreMarxt, C., Staufer, A., & Zillig, U. (1997). Interne versus externe Organisation. Planung und Produktion, 10.
Schöpf, F., Haberfellner, C., Marxt, C., & et. al. (2009). Regionalentwicklung durch Innovation, Kompendium für regionale Entscheider und Unternehmen : Weger.
moreHaberfellner, C., Marxt, C., & Mühringer, C. (2009). Handwerk der Zukunft! Zukunft Handwerk!. Bozen: Landesverband der Handwerker.
moreMarxt, C., & Hacklin, F. (2007). Business Excellence in technology oriented enterprises : Springer.
moreMarxt, C. (2004). Innovation in Unternehmensnetzwerken – Erfolgsfaktoren und Erfolgsrealität in Unternehmensnetzwerke, Fragen der Forschung und Erfahrungen der Praxis. Bielefeld, Germany: kleine Verlag.
Zagorac-Uremovic, Z., Procopio Schön, A., Spiegel, M., & Marxt, C. (2017). Unveiling Human-related Challenges in a Convergence-driven Open Innovation Project: Evidences from an Action Research Case. In D. Salampasis & A.-L. Mention (Eds.), Open Innovation: unveiling the power of the human element (pp. 249-281). London: World Scientific Publishing.
moreMüller, D., Marxt, C., & Kraus, S. (2010). Würdigung: 60 Jahre Urs Baldegger - oder: From Good to Great. In C. Marxt, S. Kraus & D. & Müller (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Management - Festschrift zum 60. Geb. von Urs Baldegger (pp. 7-12). Stuttgart: Ibidem.
moreMüller, A., & Marxt, C. (2010). Corporate Entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurial Corporation. In C. Marxt, S. Kraus & D. & Müller (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Management - Festschrift zum 60. Geb. von Urs Baldegger (pp. 169-202). Stuttgart: Ibidem.
moreHacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Inganäs, M. (2007). Technology acquisition through convergence: the role of dynamic capabilities. In M. Hörlesberger (Ed.), Challenges in the Management of New Technologies. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
moreAinamo, A., & Marxt, C. (2007). What is a Portal? In Arthur Tatnall (Ed.), Chapter in The Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology an Applications. Melbourne, Hershey: Victoria University.
Zagorac-Uremovic, Z., & Marxt, C. (2017). Divergent and Convergent Thinking Patterns Across Different Entrepreneurial Opportunity Contexts. Paper presented at the ISPIM Innovation Conference 2017, Vienna, Austria.
moreBrunner, C., & Marxt, C. (2012). Nongovernmental Organizations and Business in Joint Innovation Projects. Paper presented at the International Society for Professional Innovation Management - ISPIM, Barcelona.
moreSpiegel, M., & Marxt, C. (2012). Innovation Lock-In of Technology-Based SMEs. Paper presented at the 17th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Congress Innsbruck.
moreSpiegel, M., Siegal, W., Marxt, C., & Stearn, J. (2012). Results Driven Innovation. Paper presented at the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), Barcelona.
moreSpiegel, M., & Marxt, C. (2012). Innovation Behavior of Technology-Based SME. Paper presented at the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology Conference (PICMET), Vancouver.
moreMarxt, C., & Brunner, C. (2011). The Swiss Innovation System: Past - Present- Future. Paper presented at the PICMET, Portland.
moreSpiegel, M., & Marxt, C. (2011). Defining Technology Entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the IEEM, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore.
moreMarxt, C., & Wallnöfer, M. (2009). Dominant business model components in early stage new ventures: a starting point for innovation. Paper presented at the ISPIM Conference 2009, Vienna.
moreMarxt, C., & Inganäs, M. (2008). Early Prototypes: a strategy for explicating tacit knowledge in design activities. Paper presented at the 10th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
moreMarxt, C., & Inganäs, M. (2008). Project management issues in technology transfer projects. Paper presented at the 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria.
morePiekkola, A., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2008). The creation of dynamic capabilities in start-up ventures: A theoretical framework for their identification and measurement. Paper presented at the 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria.
moreHacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2007). Coevolutionary cycles of convergence: will NBT become the next ICT?. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.
moreInganäs, M., Fahrni, F., & Marxt, C. (2007). Towards A Model Of Context And Interaction In Science-Industry Knowledge Transfer. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society, 27th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
moreMarxt, C., & Piekkola, A. (2007). Entrepreneurship awards as a source of national innovation capability: A case from Switzerland. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.
moreInganäs, M., Harder, M., & Marxt, C. (2006). Measuring the Science to Market Gap: The Case of New Energy Technologies. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey.
moreInganäs, M., Marxt, C., & Hacklin, F. (2006). SME Absorptive Capacity – The Role of Organizational Practices. Paper presented at the 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria.
moreHacklin, F., Adamsson, N., Marxt, C., & Norell Bergendahl, M. (2005). Design for convergence: managing technological partnerships and competencies across and within industries. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia.
moreHacklin, F., Inganäs, M., Plüss, A., & Marxt, C. (2005). Knowledge management in design collaboration processes: toward a rationale for enabling disruptive innovation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia.
moreHacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Inganäs, M. (2005). Open-up or shake-out: managing technological convergence through value networks. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.
moreHacklin, F., Bergman, J.-P., Nyström, A.-G., Marxt, C., & Jantunen, A. (2005). Knowledge convergence through interdisciplinary capabilities: fostering disruptive innovation in deconstructed value creation environments. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.
moreHacklin, F., Inganäs, M., & Marxt, C. (2005). Current trends in innovation-oriented knowledge management: a process-based perspective. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
moreHacklin, F., Inganäs, M., & Marxt, C. (2005). Technology acquisition through convergence: the role of dynamic capabilities. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
moreInganäs, M., Blauenstein, A., & Marxt, C. (2005). Measuring Performance of Design Alliances: A conceptual framework for ongoing alliance evaluation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia.
moreInganäs, M., Hacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2005). From Resource-Based to Alliance-Based Design: evaluating and planning competencies for innovation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia.
moreInganäs, M., Blauenstein, A., & Marxt, C. (2005). Competence Mapping: a portfolio approach for facilitating technology make or buy decisions. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.
moreInganäs, M., Hacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2005). Assessing practices in innovation-oriented knowledge management: a process-based approach. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
moreHacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Raurich, V. (2004). How incremental innovation becomes disruptive: the case of technology convergence. Paper presented at the International Engineering Management Conference, Singapore.
moreHacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2004). Decision support for strategic partner selection in collaborative design and innovation. In: D. Marjanovic (ed.), Proceedings of the Design 2004. Paper presented at the 8th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
moreHacklin, F., Lopperi, K., Bergman, J.-P., & Marxt, C. (2004). Toward an integrated knowledge management cycle in cumulative open innovation networks. Paper presented at the R&D Management Conference, Sesimbra, Portugal.
moreHacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2004). Technology partner selection for collaborative innovation in production systems: a decision support system based approach. Paper presented at the 13th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria.
moreMarxt, C., Hacklin, F., & et. al. (2004). End-to-End Innovation: Extending the Stage-Gate Model into a Sustainable Collaboration Framework. Paper presented at the International Engineering Management Conference, Singapore.
moreMarxt, C., & Hacklin, F. (2004). Design, Product Development, Innovation: All the same in the end? A short discussion on terminology. Paper presented at the International Design Conference - DESIGN 2004, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
moreMarxt, C., Link, P., & et al. (2004). Advanced Purchase Engineers: Integrating Supply Experts in R&D – a Transaction Cost Perspective. Paper presented at the 13th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria.
moreHacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2003). Assessing R&D management strategies for wireless applications in a converging environment. Paper presented at the The R&D Management Conference 2003, Manchester, UK.
moreMarxt, C. (2003). The Process of Collaborative Innovation: A guide to successful projects. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.
moreRaurich, V., Marxt, C., & et al. (2003). Implementing a balanced innovation management concept to work. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.
moreMarxt, C., & Popovic, D. (2002). Strategic Aspects in Collaborative Product Design: Results of a Survey in Swiss Industry. Paper presented at the IEEE International Engineering Management Conference - IEMC - 2002.
moreMarxt, C. (2002). The Importance of Corporate Culture in Collaborative Product Design. Paper presented at the International Design Conference - DESIGN 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
moreMarxt, C. (2002). Explaining change and innovation in manufacturing organizations using a dissipative structures approach. Paper presented at the 12th Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria.
moreLink, P., Soth, J., & Marxt, C. (2001). How to build up trust in collaborative new product development?. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Glasgow, Scotland.
moreMarxt, C. (2001). Application of dissipative structures to improve the generation and selection of new product ideas. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Glasgow, Scotland.
moreLink, P., & Marxt, C. (1999). Risk-sharing in cooperation projects. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Engineering Design, Munich, Germany.
moreMarxt, C., & Baitsch, C. (1998). TOMBA – a screening tool for analyses and assessment of technology, organizational structures and tasks in manufacturing – SME’s. Paper presented at the 10th International Working Seminar on Production Economics.
moreMarxt, C. . and will there be any product and process development at all in 2010?. Paper presented at the Proceedings of ICED 97, Tampere, Finland.
Zagorac-Uremovic, Z., Palmer, C., & Marxt, C. (2017). The Joint of Effects of Divergent and Convergent Thinking on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: Findings from Exploratory Case Studies. Presented at the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship and Research Exchange 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
Zagorac-Uremovic, Z., Spiegel, M., & Marxt, C. (2014). Mastering Technology Convergence in Innovation Projects. University of Liechtenstein.
Marxt, C. (2007). Habilitationsschrift: Management practices in collaborative innovation: Categories in a multidimensional framework. , ETH Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland.
Spiegel, M. (2012, 4. April). Innovation in technologie-basierten KMU. KMU Wissen kompakt (Veranstaltungsreihe KMU Zentrum), Vaduz.
moreMarxt, C., & Spiegel, M. (2011, December 2011). The State of Innovation and Organizational Transformation from a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective. Innovation Workshop for Industry Partners, Innovation Experts and Consultants, New York.