- Senior Lecturer
- Built Heritage & Upcycling
- Education
- 1994
Study of Theory of Architecture at the Ecole d'Architecture Paris Villemin
- 1992
Further education at the ETH Zurich
- 1983 — 1989
Study of Architecture and Diploma at the Politecnico die Milano
- Career
- since 2014
Editor of the architecture magazine viceversa
- since 2013
National Selector of the International Piranesi Award
- since 2009
University lecturer for architectural history, theory and design at the University of Liechtenstein
- since 2009
Member of the Advisory Board of the international event Challenge Future
- 2009 — 2016
Visiting Professor of Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Univer-sity of Ferrara
- since 2008
Founder and director of the architecture magazine materialegno
- 2008 — 2013
Curator of the platform www.italian-architects.com
- since 2007
Dozent für Architekturgeschichte und Theorie an der HSLU Luzern
- 2007 — 2020
Curator of the architecture events of the trade association pro-mo_legno / proHolz
- 2006
Visiting Critic for Theory of Architecture and for Design at the Cornell University Ithaca
- since 2003
Own architecture studio in Zurich
- 2002 — 2004
Curator at the gallery AAM - Architettura Arte Moderna, Milan
- 1999 — 2003
Editor of the architecture magazine Il Progetto
- 1998 — 2005
Assistant at the ETH Zürich and at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio.
- 1995 — 2003
Own architecture studio in Rome
- 1994 — 2005
Lecturer in design, IED European Institute of Design Rome
- Awards
- 2014
Winner of the international Joseph Binder Design Award
- Memberships
- 2010 — 2012
Member of the Scientific Board of the SAM Swiss Architecture Museum
- 2002 — 2004
Member of the Departmental Committee of the ETH Zurich - Depart-ment of Architecture
- 2001 — 2003
Member of the Teaching Committee of ETH Zurich - Department of Architecture
- 2000 — 2001
Founding member of the international architecture prize Borromini Rome
- 1996
Founding member of the IsAM Institute for Mediterranean Architec-ture
- Exhibitions
- 2023
EWASTE. Burden and Treasure.
Curator of Liechtenstein's official contribution to the 18th Mostra In-ternazionale di Architettura della Biennale di Venezia - 2021
This Could Be
Curator of the official contribution of Liechtenstein to the 17th Mostra Internazionale di Architettura della Biennale di Venezia - 2019
Grand Tour der Mönche. Design of the exhibition, San Giorgio Maggio-re, Venice
- 2016
Grand Tour der Mönche. Design of the exhibition, St. Gallen Stiftsarchiv
- 2007
Italy now? Country_Positions in Architecture. Curator of the exhibition at ETH Zurich
- 2006
Architetture di Passaggio. Sguardi sull'architettura dal Ticino
Curator and designer of the travelling exhibition ISR Rome, CCS, Milan, Collateral Event at the 10th Mostra Internazionale di Architettura della Biennale di Venezia - 2006
Spaziarte. Curator of the international dialogue series. MAXXI Rome
- 2005
Italy now? Country_Positions in Architecture. Curator of the exhibition at Cornell University Ithaca NY
- 2004
Building Identities? Architecture, City, Music, Language in the National Imaginaries of Europe. Curator
- 2002 — 2003
MittelArchitetture. Kurator der internationalen Dialogreihe zwischen Österreich und Italien. Istituto Austriaco di Cultura, Rom
- 2001
Transalpinarchitettura. Exhibition AAM Architettura Arte Moderna Rome
- 1998
american architecture@the edge, curator of the exhibition, American Accademy Rome and UCLA Los Angeles
- Schedule for SS 24
- A_Handw.: Town history of Mailand (Project) Alessi
- Advanced Studio Craft: Città Reale (Project) Rist-Stadelmann, Stelter, Alessi, Meister, Faisst
- Basic Studio Raum und Typologie: Planwechsel (Project) Alessi, Lohs, Stelter, Gnädinger, Faisst
- Basic Studio Raum und Typologie: Planwechsel (Module/Course/Examination)
Alessi, A., & Capaul, A.-L. (2020). Inventing from the inventory. Modulor, 6(Being Biennale), 30-45.
Gerber, A., Staub, P., & Alessi, A. (2014). Metageschichte. Ein Lehrbuch für angehende Architekten und Architekturhistoriker. Bielefeld: Transcript.
moreGerber, A., Staub, P., & Alessi, A. (. (2013). Raumkultur und Identität. Salenstein: Niggli Verlag.
moreAlessi, A., Mostafavi, M., Aureli, P., & Mastrigli G. (2007). Italy now? Country_Positions in architecture. Ithaca: Cornell AAP Publications.
moreAlessi, A. (2006). Jo Coenen. Shared architecture : Libria.
moreAlessi, A. (2002). Heinz Tesar : Edilstampa.
P. Staub, A. Alessi & A. Gerber (Eds.). (2013). Positionen 6: Raumkultur und Identität. Sulgen: Niggli Verlag.
Alessi, A. (2023). Drawing is Communication. In H. Biechteler, D. Dietz, J. Käferstein & J. Sergison (Eds.), Drawing in Architecture, Education and Research : Hochschule Luzern & Park Books.
Alessi, A., & Lohs, A. (2023). KonTAKt - Das Theater am Kirchplatz weiterdenken und gestalten [Exhibition]. TAK Schaan, Schaan, Liechtenstein.
moreAlessi, A., & Lohs, A. (2023). Amphiorama - The view of the world from here [Exhibition]. , Castè (IT), Public Spaces of the Village.
moreAlessi, A., & non-plan. (2023). EWASTE - Bürden or Treasure [Exhibition]. Liechtenstein Contribution to the 18. International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi, Venezia.
moreAlberto Alessi Peter Erhart Atelier Gassner. (2014). Vedi Napoli e poi muori. Grand Tour der Mönche [Exhibition]. Stiftsarchiv St. Gallen, Kulturraum am Klosterplatz, St. Gallen.