The Stiftung Lebenswertes Liechtenstein and the University of Liechtenstein will be working together over the next three years as part of the “Pro Bono” teaching format to make a joint commitment to society.
The University of Liechtenstein is pleased to announce the establishment of the new Thematic Lab for Mathematics & Statistics (LMS). The Lab is being established with the support of the Palmary Foundation and will be a central component of teaching and research in the field of mathematics and statistics at the University of Liechtenstein for the next three years.
On June 19 and 20, 2024, building professionals from all over Germany gathered in Potsdam for the "Convention of Building Culture". This year's workshops and discussions will focus on the conversion, expansion and design of infrastructure.
At the Senate meeting on 3 July 2024, the certification of teaching qualifications and the awarding of a teaching license were fortunately on the agenda twice: Assistant Professor Dr. Sebastian Stöckl was certified as qualified to teach the subject "Economics (Business Administration and Economics)" and awarded the corresponding teaching license. Prof. Dr. Thomas Grisold was awarded the teaching qualification for the subject "Business Administration" and the corresponding teaching license.
On May 29, 2024, the Liechtenstein School of Architecture was transformed into a lively center of celebration and reunion. This year's Architecture Summer Festival, combined with the Alumni Reunion and the opening of the summer exhibition, attracted around 150 enthusiastic visitors.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer and Prof. Dr. Michael Hanke from the University of Liechtenstein took part in the Vorsorge-Symposium at Messe Zürich on June 6, 2024.
The University of Liechtenstein and Bank Frick are pleased to announce the extension of their successful cooperation for a further five years. As part of this collaboration, the "Bank Frick Innovative Finance Lab" will be established at the University of Liechtenstein, which will act as a center for innovative financial research and teaching.
Professor Michael Hanke and Merlin Bartel from the University of Liechtenstein and Sebastian Petric from LGT Bank AG presented their latest research entitled "Crisis Identification and Prediction using Machine Learning: The Case of U.S. Regional Banks" at the Bank of England.
The University of Liechtenstein can look back on a successful 2023. One particular highlight was the successful accreditation of the Liechtenstein Business School and the Liechtenstein Business Law School in accordance with AACSB standards. There were also positive developments in other areas, such as student numbers and research performance.
Dr. Tanja Kirn, Ass-Prof., presented at the European Commission (DG EMPL) research seminar, the Social Situation Monitor (SSM), results on the social security of cohabiting couples in various European countries. In this context, she also analysed the degree of solidarity within the Swiss AHV system.
Young Talents is a program for the promotion of young researchers. Young researchers at the University of Liechtenstein at doctoral level (following a preliminary study) can submit small research proposals to the University of Liechtenstein Research Fund.