Cross-faculty elective subjects SS 2023

Practise listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills and competences to reach an advanced B2 level (cf. CEFR descriptors).

Information about the placement test is provided on the website of the cross-faculty elective subjects > language courses and by the study programmes.

The schedule is preliminary and can later be adapted upon participants' request.
Practise listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills and competences to reach an advanced C1 level (cf. CEFR descriptors) and be able to take an English certificate exam at C1 level
This module is the perfect introduction to the world of media and communications as a radio and multimedia journalist. Students learn the basics for a radio show and for a podcast as part of the new Campus Radio targeting Liechtenstein and the whole world. During the Campus Talks (=Campus Gespräche) with high-profile guests, the students actively work in the editorial team. The ongoing web radio program is professionally planned, developed, and implemented. The content is unique and has always a strong connection to Liechtenstein, the University of Liechtenstein, and the university's partners. The program is presented live online and will be made available on different podcast platforms (e.g., Spotify).

An elective "Campus Radio" is offered in both the winter and summer semester. But these two electives have different emphases and can therefore both be attended.
Was ist eigentlich ein Coach? Was macht ihre/seine innere Haltung aus? Wobei und wie kann sie/er andere bei ihrem individuellen Wachstum unterstützten?

Coaching Fähigkeiten gewinnen immer mehr an Bedeutung in unterschiedlichsten Lebenssituationen. Sei es als Führungskraft, um in einer immer komplexer werdenden Welt die anvertrauten Mitarbeitenden gekonnt in ihrer beruflichen und persönlichen Entwicklung zu begleiten. Sei es als Expert:in in einem anspruchsvollen Projekt nicht nur inhaltlich, sondern auch auf der Proessebenen einen wertvollen Beitrag leisten zu können. Oder sei es als Privatperson Freunde und Bekannte zu unterstützen neue Lösungsansätze in herausfordernden Situationen zu finden.

Mi 8.2.23: 9:00 bis 17:30 mit Elias Jehle
  • Einstieg
  • Grundlagen: Rollen, Coaching Prozess, Haltung, Grenzen
  • Methoden: Fragetechniken
  • Üben und Reflexion

Do 9.2.23: 9:00 bis 17:30 mit Katja Kurz
  • Grundlagen Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren (NLP)
  • NLP im Coaching
  • Üben und Reflexion

Fr 10.2.23: 9:00 bis 14:00 mit Elias Jehle
  • Vertiefung Methoden
  • Üben und Reflexion

Sa 11.3.23: 9:00 bis 14:00 (6 Lektionen) mit Elias Jehle
  • Beitrag Studierende
  • Üben und Reflexion
  • Abschluss

2h: Vorbereitungsauftrag
To practice philosophy means to engage with fundamental and complex issues about human life and society at large. This course will be looking into four contemporary issues discussed among ethicists and political philosophers: animal experimentation, euthanasia, immigration, and world poverty.
- Animal experimentation: Should experiments be practiced on animals? What are the philosophical positions regarding this issue? How are those positions justified?
- Euthanasia: How to justify at all the practice of euthanasia in light of the principle of sanctity of life? What arguments are pro-euthanasia putting forth to justify their position?
- Immigration: how to understand the issue of immigration in the context of sovereignty of states and freedom of movement of individuals? On which arguments are based the positions on open and/or closed borders?
- World poverty: How to understand world poverty in the context of global justice? Is world poverty a consequence of unjust distribution? Do wealthy people have obligations to assist the poor?
Definition und Merkmale crossmedialer Arbeitsweisen im Journalismus, Analyse und Entwicklung digitaler Erzählmöglichkeiten, etwa Reels, Social Clips, Grafiktafeln und Instastorys; Verknüpfung von sozialen Erzählformen mit klassischen Erzählformen, etwa Webtexten, Reportagen oder Podcasts; Twitter-Threads als echtzeitjournalistisches Erzählformat, das Prinzip Öffentlichkeit in der Echtzeit sozialer Medien; Zuspitzung und Verknappung komplexer Zusammenhänge
"Das Leben kann nur rückblickend verstanden werden, es muss aber vorausschauend gelebt werden" (Sören Kierkegaard). Biografisches Lernen bedeutet, sich sein eigenes Selbstverständnis bewusst zu machen und seiner eigenen Lebenswahrheit auf die Spur zu kommen. Es geht in einem "ressourcenorientierten Lernprozess" darum, sich die eigenen Potenziale und Möglichkeiten zu vergegenwärtigen und für das Leben nutzbar zu machen. Das Anliegen der Biografiearbeit ist es "Zeit und Raum für Selbstvergewisserung, Sinnbildung und ein Erkennen der eigenen Verwobenheit in gesellschaftliche Strukturen zu schaffen" (Justen 2011, S. 28)

Die Studierenden werden in diesem interaktiven, handlungsorientierten Seminar angeleitet, ihren bisherigen Werdegang zu reflektieren und befähigt, ihre (berufliche) Zukunft aktiv zu steuern. Die individuelle Auseinandersetzung wird in den jeweiligen bildungs- und berufsspezifischen sowie gesamtgesellschaftlichen Kontext (Stichwort: Zukunft der Arbeit) eingebettet. Die Biografiearbeit erfolgt in vier Schritten. 1. Analyse der individuellen Situation (=Ausgangspunkt). 2. Arbeit an den Lebenslinien (=Rückspiegel). 3. Arbeit an Zielen und Wünschen. 4. Bewertung der Ergebnisse, realistische Chanceneinschätzung und Planung der nächsten Schritte.

Die theoretische Untermauerung erfolgt mit ausgewählten Konzepten aus der Karriereforschung, Theorien des Wertewandels, Motivationstheorien etc.
Practise communicative and cultural skills and competences in German on level A2 (cf. CEFR descriptors).

This is a suggested schedule but, if practicable, changes can be made in accordance with the wishes of the participants.

Information about the placement test is provided on the website of the cross-faculty elective subjects > language courses and by the International Office
Practise communicative and cultural skills and competences in German on level A1 - A2 (cf. CEFR descriptors).
Practise communicative and cultural skills and competences in German on level B1 - B2 (cf. CEFR descriptors)
This module supports the development of communicative competence in Spanish on level A1/A2 (cf. CEFR descriptors).
Von der Geschichte, politischem System, Wirtschaftsstruktur bis hin zu den aktuellen Herausforderungen des Fürstentums

Warum hat Liechtenstein eigentlich als Keinstaat mitten in Europa überhaupt überlebt?

Wie hat es Liechtenstein von einem armen Bauernvölkchen zu einem der wohlhabendsten Staaten der Welt gebracht? Warum hat Liechtenstein eine um einiges höhere Industriequoten (ca. 41%) im Vergleich zu seinen Nachbarstaaten?

Wer regiert in Liechtenstein? Welche Kompetenzen haben die einzelnen Organe? Wie viel Macht hat der Fürst nun wirklich?

Wie Möglichkeiten der politischen Teilhabe haben liechtensteinische Stimmberechtigte? Wie funktioniert ein Referendum und wie eine Volksinitiative?

Wieso sind in Liechtenstein die Abstimmungen so ausgegangen, wie sie ausgingen?

Wer wählt in Liechtenstein wen? Warum gab es in Liechtensteins Parlament lange nur zwei Parteien?

Wie ticken die Stimmberechtigten Liechtensteins? Welche Werte und Einstellungen haben sie? Und wie ist die politische Kultur Liechtensteins?

Wie abhängig ist Liechtenstein von anderen Staaten? Wie stark kann sich Liechtenstein auf dem internationalen Parkett einbringen? Wo liegen seine Prioritäten?

Wie gestalten sich die Beziehungen zwischen Liechtenstein und der EU? Wie funktioniert der Europäische Wirtschaftsraum (EWR)? Und wie Liechtensteins Assoziierung zu Schengen?

Warum haben die Liechtensteiner dem Beitritt zum Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum 1992 zugestimmt, obwohl sich die Schweiz dagegen entschieden hat? Und was hatte dies für Konsequenzen?

Welchen Einfluss hat die Grösse auf die liechtensteinische Politik?

Welche Unterschiede gibt es zwischen Liechtenstein und der Schweiz?

Antworten auf diese Fragen und zahlreiche weitere werden Dr. Christian Frommelt (Direktor des Liechtenstein-Instituts und designierter Rektor der Universität Liechtenstein) und Dr. Thomas Milic (Forschungsbeauftragter Politik am Liechtenstein Institut) im Rahmen von diesem fakultätsübergreifenden Wahlfach liefern.
Improvisational theatre is a very fast and spontaneous way of playing theatre. The performers must work together; they make suggestions and accept other's offers; they lead and are being led; and they take over responsibility in order to tell a collective story on stage.
Improvisation on stage and in life is a technique that can be learned. It is inspiring and useful for creativity, communication, collaboration and teamwork. Improvisation cultivates interpersonal skills, you are required to think on your feet, to rapidly make decisions and to be in the moment. Practicing improvisation helps to build all of these skills, so that you can explore and develop your personal and professional potential, plus it is fun! At the end of this workshop there will be a one-hour performance in front of your friends. Time and Place of the final performance: Wednesday 15th of February 2023 at 6:30, University of Liechtenstein

In this workshop we will work on the following issues:
o Teamwork: the yes and… principle
o Flexibility and spontaneity: handling of unexpected and unknown situations
o Creativity: bring in your own ideas and let them go to find collective solutions as a team
o Leadership: to lead and to be led
o Roleplay: change perspectives, explore and take over new roles
o Thoughtfulness and Concentration: the "here and now" principle
o Mistakes: make them, feel more comfortable with them and learn from them
In this course students learn how to manage projects successfully. This course is not only focused on the technical know-how of project management but teaches in particular situational people and leadership skills that support a project manager in today's complex project world.

The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the multifaceted methodology and systematics of project management. In addition, the course enables students to take the certification exam as a Certified Associate Project Manager (CAPM) from the Project Management Institute (PMI) - the world's leading project management organization with over 680,000 members in 217 countries. Attending such a preoperatory course, which costs up to CHF 2’700 on the free market, is by the way a prerequisite for being accepted for the PMI CAPM certification exam.

Students take the external PMI CAPM certification exam on their own either online or at one of the test centers between 23rd March and 23rd April 2023. The certification is a 3-hour MPC exam and incurs cost of $257.00 ($32 for the cost of student membership and $225 for the member price) or $300.00 (non-member). The result of PMI CAPM certification will be afterwards transformed into the grading system of the University of Liechtenstein. Test centers are provided in the DACH region by Person VUE.

Passing the external PMI CAPM certification is a prerequisite for completing this elective successfully. The costs for the certification must be covered by the students.
The MILSA mentoring program provides students with the opportunity to develop their intercultural awareness and intercultural learning as students and future professionals. The program is offered twice yearly with a duration of approx. twelve months. It starts in June respectively in December.
The mentoring program provides an immersive intercultural learning experience in an international location. Students' learning is supported by pre-departure and post-sojourn workshops, and by Skype interviews and guided blog writing during the study abroad.
The pre-departure workshop introduces students to explore aspects of intercultural learning and helps them prepare for their experience in a different society and culture.
During the stay abroad, students will talk to the mentor via Zoom and write guided blog contributions about their intercultural learning. They stay in contact and complete group task together. Upon their return, students meet with the mentor in a post-sojourn workshop to discuss and reflect upon their experiences and the importance of their intercultural learning for their future professional lives.
The subject includes content on notions of culture, interculturality, intercultural learning,
stereotypes, identities, cultural practices, and reflection and reflective writing.
The First Steps in Intercultural Learning Workshop is held before students depart. This workshop provides essential content, discussion and activities to prepare students for their intercultural learning, international experience and to guide their completion of assessment tasks.
The Coming Home Workshop takes place after students return from their stay abroad and allows them to reflect on their experience, particularly their intercultural learning and its
application to their future professional lives. Students also present their group assignment.
This is an interactive and practical course on all kind of questions about managing personal and individual financial situations in daily life. A focus is offered on the specific needs of young people. Although the title seems to be very specific, this course invites students from all study areas to participate. Finance students will not be able to profit from advantages because of the very practical approach of this course.

We start with 2 entire input days at the beginning of the semester. Over these 2 days, we provide students with an overview on personal finance in order to construct a general understanding of the topic.

This is followed by 4 evenings in April and May 2023, reserved for active contributions of students. We will form several groups. Each group will provide 3 short presentations and 2 mini-essays (between 2 and 4 pages). Some of the topics to be discussed will be:

How to analyze your personal financial situation and possibilities? How to save money, what type of saving plans do exist and what are their advantages/disadvantages?

What type of banking relationships do exist and what is appropriate for my needs?

When should I start investing? How should I invest? What are the most important aspects to consider? Implications of costs and returns on my results? How to manage costs and results? How to select and invest in stocks, bonds, alternative investments, mutual funds and ETFs?

How to use a credit, debit and cash cards? How to choose the best card offer?

What insurance contracts are a must to have? Which type of insurances are not that necessary in your personal situation?

How to decide on several loan offers? How to finance my home (what is affordable, valuation aspects, fixed-rate versus floating-rate contracts)?

How to finance a car and other consumer goods? Is leasing an alternative? When will real estate planning become an issue?

In this course we will be able to react to all kind of additional questions of participants.

If possible, guest speakers will be invited to profit from their special knowledge and to give participants the opportunity to discuss issues of Personal Finance with experts. Guest speakers will represent the real estate market, the insurance market and debt counseling.
Sexual harassment, salmonella in lasagne, a pandemic, a corrupt boss, high inflation or a war in Europe: there are many crises that can only be overcome by professional communication. This module includes: Communications support before, during and after any crisis ; Preventive procedures and strategies for organisations, corporations, and authorities.

In preparation for this module, you are looking for a crisis that has hit the public eye. For example, it may be a company, an organisation, a prominent person, or a product. Analyze the presence in the media and whether in your opinion good crisis communication has been provided. Presentation on the first day of attendance, printout of the presentation to Claudia Schanza. The result flows into the marks.
Das World Economic Forum listet Kreativität, das Lösen komplexer Probleme und kritisches Denken zu den wichtigsten Kompetenzen der Wirtschaft der Zukunft. Mit den Inner Development Goals haben die United Nations co-kreatives, konstruktives Denken als wichtigsten Treiber für nachhaltigen Change und Innovation identifiziert. In diesem Workshop widmen wir uns spielerisch und interaktiv den Basics von Kreativität und Kritik: der Fähigkeit, die Wirklichkeit konstruktiv in Frage zu stellen.

In einem Medley aus philosophischen Texten (von Friedrich Nietzsche bis Eva von Redecker) und Tools (von Hermeneutik bis Design Thinking) sowie in der Auseinandersetzung mit drei ausgewählten Theateraufführungen im TAK üben wir konstruktiv zu argumentieren, kreativ zu interpretieren und gemeinsam Räume für neue Ideen zu entwickeln.

Das Seminar wird geleitet von Manuel Scheidegger (Philosoph & Innovationsberater) und findet in einer Kooperation mit Jan Sellke vom TAK Liechtenstein statt. Die Besuche der Aufführungen «Der zerbrochene Krug», «Eurotrash» sowie «Eutopia» sind fester Bestandteil des Seminars.
- Grundlagen & Methoden räumlicher Erfassung :
- Zentralperspektive
- Hell-Dunkel (Modellierung/Schraffierung)
- Staffelung / Reihung
- Schnitte (Grundrisserfassung, Quer- und Längsschnitt)
For many executives, conflicts are nothing more than incidents, the sand in the wheels of everyday life that they want to deal with as little as possible. That's where the problem starts: Conflicts are part of everyday life! They are the rule rather than the exception; anything else would also be unusual between people with different experiences, values, attitudes and interests who have to get along in the company or elsewhere in everyday life.

So, wherever people work together, there are always tensions, conflicts and verbal arguments. You are either party to or have to settle a disagreement with colleagues. Are you wondering how to solve the dilemma so that everyone saves face? How do you target factual goals while taking into account the emotional and social needs of all participants? And how do you stay calm and confident? These challenges are easier to solve with diplomacy. With diplomatic skills, it is easier to prevent conflicts and, if necessary, to resolve them.

In this course you will receive an overview of how to deal with tension, friction and opposites, how to deal with conflicts and lead controversial situations from discussion to dialogue - with the appropriate inner attitude, skillful diplomatic behavior and the right words, in all clarity and with full respect.
Human culture evolves. Change in technology, language, morality, and society is gradual and spontaneous. Change of culture follows a narrative, going from one stage to the next, and it largely happens by trial and error - a version of natural selection. Much of the human world and culture is the result of human action but not of human design: it emerges from the interactions of millions, not from the plans of a few (Ridley, 2016). By defining and applying various concepts of culture to their personal and work life, as well as using scientific data on the general theory of evolution and its' associated sub-areas, participants will be able to:
  • understand interwoven relationships of evolution and culture
  • apply cultural and evolutionary competencies onto their private and professional lives
  • understand and acknowledge the evolutionary forces that shape much of our culture
‘More than buildings, forms, materials or structures, it is architecture's ability to alter how we see the world that is its most precious and powerful gift.’ - writes Lesley Lokko, curator of the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale 2023 in her statement.

The Liechtenstein contribution takes up exactly this idea and shows the invisible bond between Liechtenstein and Africa, which through our actions changes living spaces, social spaces and social structures in an inclusive and global society. Liechtenstein and Africa are connected, even if this is unconscious on both sides. Every year Liechtenstein exports several hundred tons of e-waste.

E-waste has now taken on a global dimension and is also relevant for small countries like Liechtenstein. Is e-waste trash or a valuable resource? What would change if exports were successively reduced? In Africa? And in Liechtenstein?

As in a laboratory, we take two comparable variables to experiment with. On a macro level, we look at the connection between Liechtenstein and Agbogbloshie (the largest electronic waste dump in Africa) and the changes in structures due to the reduction of e-waste - spatial as well as social. On a micro level, we look at the details of people's everyday lives once confronted with the issue.

For the exhibition, research questions are to be answered and data collection carried out in Ghana and in Liechtenstein through various activities in the University of Liechtenstein. Scientific methods for data collection, analysis, evaluation, and visualization of the results are taught.