HomeWho 's who

Dr. Adrian Klammer

The role of unlearning in organizational development
FFF-Förderprojekt, January 2022 until December 2023 (finished)

Organizational unlearning is regarded as an essential driver of organizational change. To be pre-pared in the best way possible, organizations should possess the capability of deliberately ... more ...

Developing leaders for a complex world: The emergence and effects of charismatic leadership and organizational unlearning
FFF-Förderprojekt, March 2019 until December 2021 (finished)

Effective leadership allows companies to navigate the uncertainties inherent in rapidly changing markets. These challenges are usually met by high adaptability, which relies on a managerial force ... more ...

Unlearning and Forgetting in Organizations
PhD-Thesis, February 2015 until March 2018 (finished)

The field of organizational studies offers plenty of research and scholarly debate on organizational learning. However, research efforts examining questions as to how and why organizations lose ... more ...

Forgetting and Unlearning in Organizations
FFF-Förderprojekt, January 2015 until March 2016 (finished)

The field of organizational studies offers plenty of research and scholarly debate on organizational learning. However, research efforts examining questions as to how and why organizations lose ... more ...

  • Klammer, A., Grisold, T., Nguyen, N., & Hsu, S.-w. (2024). Organizational unlearning as a process: What we know, what we don’t know, what we should know. Management Review Quarterly. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Nigg-Stock, A., Klammer, A., & Brecht, L. (2024). Old and new: a dynamic capabilities perspective of learning and unlearning. Industry and Innovation. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Klammer, A., Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2023). Opposites attract: How incumbents learn and unlearn in coopetitive relationships with start-ups. Industrial Marketing Management, 112, 85-97. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Klammer, A. (2021). Embracing organisational unlearning as a facilitator of business model innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(6). (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Govindarajan, V., Srivastava, A., Grisold, T., & Klammer, A. (2021). Resist Old Routines When Returning to the Office. Harvard Business Review. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: C; FT_50_2016: yes)

  • Govindarajan, V., Srivastava, A., Grisold, T., & Klammer, A. (2021). Der steinige Weg zum neuen Normal. Harvard-Business-Manager, 43(8), 34-37.

  • Hora, W., & Klammer, A. (2021). Höher, schneller, weiter? Eine empirische Analyse des strategischen Managements von schnell wachsenden Jungunternehmen. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 69(3), 169-186. (VHB_3: C)

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2020). Honor the old, welcome the new: an account of unlearning and forgetting in NPD teams. European Journal of Innovation Management, 23(4), 581-603. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Grisold, T., Klammer, A., & Kragulj, F. (2020). Two Forms of Organizational Unlearning: Insights from Engaged Scholarship Research with Change Consultants. Management Learning, 51(5), 598-619. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Govindarajan, V., Srivastava, A., Grisold, T., & Klammer, A. (2020). COVID-Imposed Opportunity to Selectively Unlearn Past Practices. California Management Review. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2019). Unlearning and Forgetting in Organizations: A Systematic Review of Literature. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(5), 860-888. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Klammer, A., Grisold, T., & Gueldenberg, S. (2019). Introducing a ‘stop-doing’ culture: How to free your organization from rigidity. Business Horizons, 62(4), 451-458. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Klammer, A., Güldenberg, S., Kraus, S., & O'Dwyer, M. (2017). To change or not to change-antecedents and outcomes of strategic renewal in SMEs. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 13(3), 739-756. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B/C)

  • Güldenberg, S., Hecker, L., Klammer, A., Wilhelm, S., Schurr, F., & Staub, P. (2017). Residential Choice in Polycentric Border-Crossing Agglomeration Areas: the Example of the Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 8(4), 367-387. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Klammer, A., Grisold, T., & Nguyen, N. (2019). Guest Editorial: Opportunities and interdisciplinary perspectives for organizational unlearning. The Learning Organization, 26(5), 445-453. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Palmer, R., & Klammer, A. (2018). Integrating the fields of organizational culture change and unlearning. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Delft, Netherlands.

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2017). Having the guts to let go - Unlearning in new product development teams. Paper presented at the Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference, Valladolid, Spain.

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2017). Letting go of the old: (un)deliberate knowledge loss in product development. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), St. Petersburg (Russia).

  • Klammer, A., & Güldenberg, S. (2016). Organizational unlearning and forgetting - a systematic literature review. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Dresden, Germany.

  • Diehr, G., Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Klammer, A. (2015). Knowledge Networks in SMEs: How does relationship management support knowledge marketing in SMEs?. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Bari, Italy.

  • Klammer, A., Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2019). Heading for new shores: What corporates have to (un)learn when collaborating with start-ups. Presented at the 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES), Prague: University of Economics Prague.

  • Grisold, T., & Klammer, A. (2018). What could we mean by “organizational unlearning”? Insights from change consultancy. Presented at the Conference on Intentional Forgetting, Potsdam, Germany.

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2017). Managing unlearning and forgetting in new product development teams. Presented at the 10th SKM Symposium, Berlin (Germany).

  • Güldenberg, S., Hecker, L., Klammer, A., Schurr, F., Staub, P., & Wilhelm, S. (2016). Site selection according to life cycles in agglomeration areas: A dynamic and interdisciplinary location analysis of the four-country-region Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley. Presented at the 9th Knowledge Cities World Summit, Vienna, Austria.

  • Güldenberg, S., Hecker, L., Klammer, A., Schurr, F., Staub, P., & Wilhelm, S. (2016). Site selection according to life cycles in agglomeration areas: A dynamic and interdisciplinary analysis of the four-country-region Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley. Presented at the World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, IC 12, Paris (France).

  • Klammer, A. (2021, May 7). Overcoming myths, silent killers and barriers of strategy implementation. Get Transformation Done, Klaus (Austria).

  • Klammer, A. (2018, April 12). Organizational Forgetting and Unlearning. Wirtschaftuniversität (WU) Guest Talk, Vienna (Austria).

  • Klammer, A. (2016, October 20). Unlearning and Forgetting in Organizations. European Patent Office (EPO) - Informal Learning and Knowledge Sharing, The Hague (The Netherlands).
