HomeUniversity of Liechtenstein

Seminar Bilanzanalyse

Montag, 28. Oktober 2024
8.30 - 18.00 Uhr
Seminarraum 1, Standort Ebaholz, Universität Liechtenstein

Die Anforderungen an Mitarbeitende im juristischen Bereich wachsen ständig. Daher ist nicht nur eine fundierte und spezifische Aus- und Weiterbildung ...

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Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Virtueller Themenabend «EU-Action plan on preventing money laundering and terrorism financing»

Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2024, 17.00 Uhr
Ort: Online via Teams (Teilnahme-Link wird nach der Anmeldung per E-Mail verschickt)

Informationsveranstaltung zu den berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen Executive Master of Laws (LL.M.) im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und Zertifikatsstudieng ...

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Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung

Vernissage Ausstellung SAY (Swiss Architecture Yearbook)

Wed, 30 October 2024, 6 pm
Foyer, University of Liechtenstein

6 pm | Deutsch/German + English | Foyer | Bar Finally, the high quality of Swiss architecture and building culture is gaining tangible international ...

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Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Kinder-Uni: Mit Spiel und Spass ins Unternehmertum

Mittwoch, 6. November 2024, 14.30 bis 16.30 Uhr

Kinder-Uni — Vorlesungen für Kinder von 8 bis 12 Leitung und Organisation: Department Entrepreneurship & Management, Prof. Dr. Leo Brecht & Prof. Dr. ...

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Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung

Round table SAY (Swiss Architecture Yearbook)

Mi, 6. November 2024, 18 Uhr
Foyer, Universität Liechtenstein

18 Uhr | Deutsch/German | Foyer | Bar Endlich erhält die hohe Qualität der Schweizer Architektur und Baukultur auch international ein greifbares Gesi ...

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Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung

Architecture by Dessert | Carolin Hacker aka @architect.on.tour

Do, 7. November 2024
13.00 - 13.30
Atelier, Universität Liechtenstein

Die LSA lädt zu Mittagsvorträgen und Schokoriegeln ein. ARCHITECTURE BY DESSERT 13 Uhr - 13.30 | Deutsch/German | Atelier | Schokoriegel Bei ihrem ...

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Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung

Univision Lecture: Marco Rickenbacher | Esch Sintzel Architekten

Thursday, November 7, 2024
6 pm
Atelier, University of Liechtenstein

The lecture will be held in English.

6 pm | English | Atelier | Bar Marco Rickenbacher, partner at Esch Sintzel Architects, shares his journey from the early days of his career to his ...

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z-Campus Gespraeche

Campus Gespräch. Wir und die Anderen

Prof. Dr. Judith Kohlenberger
Dienstag, 12. November 2024, 18 Uhr
Auditorium, Universität Liechtenstein

Die Campus Gespräche werden ermöglicht durch die Peter Marxer Lecture Foundation. SHIFT HAPPENS Ob wir wollen oder nicht. Die Frage ist bloss no ...

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Intensivkurs Liechtensteinisches Stiftungs- und Anstaltsrecht

14./15./16. November 2024
Universität Liechtenstein, Fürst-Franz-Josef Strasse, FL-9490 Vaduz

12./13./14. Dezember 2024
Universität Liechtenstein, Fürst-Franz-Josef Strasse, FL-9490 Vaduz

Die Beratungs- und Gestaltungspraxis des Gesellschaftsrechts in Liechtenstein erfordert Grundlagen- und Detailkenntnisse des liechtensteinischen Stift ...

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Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Tag der Universität - Dies Academicus

Öffentlicher Tag der Universität - Dies Academicus
Donnerstag, 14. November 2024, 18 Uhr

Einmal im Jahr feiert die Universität Liechtenstein den Dies Academicus auf ihrem Campus in Vaduz. Dabei lädt die Universität die Öffentlichkeit ein, ...

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Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung

Und dann kam die Moderne: Architektur (externe Veranstaltung)

Montag, 18. November 2024, 19 Uhr
Stein Egerta, Schaan

Externe Veranstaltung der Stein Egerta, Schaan Vortrag der Stein Egerta in der Reihe über die Entstehung der Moderne in Kunst, Erzählkunst, Theate ...

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Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Intensivkurs Sorgfaltspflichten - AUSGEBUCHT

20. - 22. November 2024
Universität Liechtenstein, Hörsaal H3

Die Einhaltung sämtlicher Vorschriften und Regularien im Bereich der Geldwäscheprävention stellt viele Sorgfaltspflichtbeauftragte vor grosse Herausfo ...

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Funded Projects in the Young Talent Program 2025
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Funded Projects in the Young Talent Program 2025

Young Talents is a program for the promotion of young researchers. Young researchers at the University of Liechtenstein at doctoral level (following a preliminary study) can submit small research proposals to the University of Liechtenstein Research Fund.

Oct 24, 2024

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Master's thesis honored with BPM2024 BEST INDUSTRY FORUM Paper Award
Information Systems
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Master's thesis honored with BPM2024 BEST INDUSTRY FORUM Paper Award

Clara Ziche completed her degree in Information Systems at the graduation ceremony in September 2024. Her master's thesis «A case study on using Large Language Models for Process Modeling in Enterprise Organizations» was not only accepted at the BPM conference in Krakau, Polen, but also received the BPM2024 BEST INDUSTRY FORUM Paper Award.

Oct 23, 2024

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New architecture curricula: strong focus on sustainability

New architecture curricula: strong focus on sustainability

The field of architecture is currently changing at a rapid pace. In the face of increasing global challenges, both academics and practitioners have to deal with the climate crisis, demographic change, unequal social development and the failures of the existing built environment. To meet these challenges, students pursuing a degree in architecture today need more diverse skills than ever.

Oct 23, 2024

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RIBA Re-validation Successfully Achieved at All Programme Levels
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RIBA Re-validation Successfully Achieved at All Programme Levels

The Liechtenstein School of Architecture (LSA) first obtained RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) validation for its Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral programme in 2018. Now, the LSA has reaffirmed its excellence with a highly successful re-validation in 2024.

Oct 21, 2024

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Welcome Timothy Allen and Ronan Crippa to the University of Liechtenstein!

Welcome Timothy Allen and Ronan Crippa to the University of Liechtenstein!

Since September 1, 2024, the two young architects Timothy Allen and Ronan Crippa have been enriching the team at the Liechtenstein School of Architecture as practical lecturers in the Foundation Studio of the Bachelor’s programme in Architecture.

Oct 17, 2024

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Earth Hub Symposium: Excavated material is a valuable raw material
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Earth Hub Symposium: Excavated material is a valuable raw material

The Liechtenstein School of Architecture (LSA) hosted the first Earth Hub Symposium on October 11, 2024. The event brought together representatives from architecture, research and the regional economy. The aim was to showcase innovations in clay-wood construction and to explore the technical, economic and social potential of ecological building materials.

Oct 14, 2024

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ERCIS Workshop: Call for Exchange on Teaching Innovation in Higher Education
Information Systems
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ERCIS Workshop: Call for Exchange on Teaching Innovation in Higher Education

The annual workshop of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) network took place in Viterbo (IT) from September 23 to 25, 2024. The host was Prof. Alessio Maria Braccini.

Oct 09, 2024

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University of Liechtenstein and Local Industry Cooperate to Promote Health in the Construction Industry
Information Systems
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University of Liechtenstein and Local Industry Cooperate to Promote Health in the Construction Industry

Together with an industrial company in Liechtenstein, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johannes Schneider from the University of Liechtenstein has investigated how modern technologies can improve the health of construction workers.

Oct 07, 2024

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Children and cybersecurity: New Erasmus+ project at the University of Liechtenstein
Information Systems
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Children and cybersecurity: New Erasmus+ project at the University of Liechtenstein

Nowadays, children are exposed to the dangers of the internet at a very early age. There is therefore an urgent need to develop suitable didactic tools for teaching cyber safety to young people. The new Erasmus+ project ‘KidCy’ at the University of Liechtenstein, led by Dr Irdin Pekaric and Prof Dr Pavel Laskov at the Hilti Professorship for Data and Application Security, is addressing this issue.

Oct 05, 2024

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Kick-off Workshop Series ‘Self-Leadership’ in Cooperation with SWISS Operations
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Kick-off Workshop Series ‘Self-Leadership’ in Cooperation with SWISS Operations

On Thursday, 26 September 2024, an intensive train-the-trainer workshop focusing on self-leadership took place at the University of Liechtenstein under the direction of Julia Tenschert (Chair of Entrepreneurship and Leadership).

Oct 02, 2024

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Graduation ceremony for the consecutive training programme with awards

Graduation ceremony for the consecutive training programme with awards

Five doctorates were awarded at the University of Liechtenstein's graduation ceremony on Friday, 27 September 2024, and 116 graduates of the University of Liechtenstein received their diplomas. Awards for outstanding achievements were also presented to nine graduates.

Oct 02, 2024

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LSA launches Earth Hub
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LSA launches Earth Hub

New Competence Center for Earthen Construction at the University of Liechtenstein.

Sep 24, 2024

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Happy reunion at the alumni anniversary «20 years of Entrepreneurship»
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Happy reunion at the alumni anniversary «20 years of Entrepreneurship»

20 years ago, the founding team around Prof. em. Dr. Urs Baldegger established the «Entrepreneurship» department at the then university of applied sciences, laying the foundation for a success story. Reason enough to celebrate this anniversary together with alumni, students and the staff team.

Sep 20, 2024

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LGT University Scholarship: students from the University of Liechtenstein were honored
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LGT University Scholarship: students from the University of Liechtenstein were honored

LGT is awarding two scholarships for each academic year. All students who have been accepted to the first year of the Master of Science in Innovative Finance programme at the University of Liechtenstein can apply for the LGT University Scholarship. This year, Katharina Koch and Lena M. Seiller were honored.

Sep 18, 2024

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Antwerp Music Centre

Antwerp Music Centre

Advanced Studio Craft

Sep 17, 2024

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Internationales Interest in Design Science Research
Information Systems
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Internationales Interest in Design Science Research

As part of the Erasmus+ project “Design Science Research Academy”, led by Dr. Michael Gau, postdoctoral researcher at the Liechtenstein Business School, an online seminar on teaching Design Science Research (DSR) was successfully held. 111 lecturers from 97 universities in 30 countries took part.

Sep 16, 2024

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Survey on Digital Transformation
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Survey on Digital Transformation

On behalf of digital-liechtenstein.li, the University of Liechtenstein is conducting a survey on digital change.

Sep 16, 2024

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New Partnership for the Benefit of the Community
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New Partnership for the Benefit of the Community

The Stiftung Lebenswertes Liechtenstein and the University of Liechtenstein will be working together over the next three years as part of the “Pro Bono” teaching format to make a joint commitment to society.

Sep 12, 2024

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University of Liechtenstein and Palmary Foundation establish the Thematic Lab for Mathematics & Statistics
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University of Liechtenstein and Palmary Foundation establish the Thematic Lab for Mathematics & Statistics

The University of Liechtenstein is pleased to announce the establishment of the new Thematic Lab for Mathematics & Statistics (LMS). The Lab is being established with the support of the Palmary Foundation and will be a central component of teaching and research in the field of mathematics and statistics at the University of Liechtenstein for the next three years.

Sep 12, 2024

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A Successful Open Day at Ebaholz
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A Successful Open Day at Ebaholz

Last saturday, the University of Liechtenstein hosted an open day at its new “Ebaholz” site on Landstrasse in Vaduz.

Sep 12, 2024

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Convention of Building Culture 2024
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Convention of Building Culture 2024

On June 19 and 20, 2024, building professionals from all over Germany gathered in Potsdam for the "Convention of Building Culture". This year's workshops and discussions will focus on the conversion, expansion and design of infrastructure.

Jul 04, 2024

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Two Teaching Licenses Awarded
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Two Teaching Licenses Awarded

At the Senate meeting on 3 July 2024, the certification of teaching qualifications and the awarding of a teaching license were fortunately on the agenda twice: Assistant Professor Dr. Sebastian Stöckl was certified as qualified to teach the subject "Economics (Business Administration and Economics)" and awarded the corresponding teaching license. Prof. Dr. Thomas Grisold was awarded the teaching qualification for the subject "Business Administration" and the corresponding teaching license.

Jul 04, 2024

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Successful Architecture Summer Festival and Alumni Reunion 2024
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Successful Architecture Summer Festival and Alumni Reunion 2024

On May 29, 2024, the Liechtenstein School of Architecture was transformed into a lively center of celebration and reunion. This year's Architecture Summer Festival, combined with the Alumni Reunion and the opening of the summer exhibition, attracted around 150 enthusiastic visitors.

Jun 24, 2024

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