uni.liNeuigkeitenLatvian Supporters in Liechtenstein

Latvian Supporters in Liechtenstein

On the evening of the 22nd of March, the football game Liechtenstein-Latvia gathered many sport fans in the Rheinpark stadium in Vaduz. Among 1150 game watchers were also students from University Liechtenstein who had received invitations to the game from the Latvian football federation.

The Latvian football federation not only provided 25 free tickets to the game, but also offered supporter scarves and flags which were distributed on a day before the game when fans had a chance to meet their favorite Latvian football players and also take pictures with them.

Armed with Latvian flags and face paintings in the colors of Latvian flag for one evening international students entered into a spirit of Latvians, enthusiastically screaming out the slogans in Latvian “Jā, jā, Latvija!”, “Uzvarēsim(we are going to win)” and others. Although the Liechtenstein team’s supporters outweighed the Latvian team’s supporters around twentyfold in the number, in the Latvian national team’s supporters zone ruled enthusiastic and friendly atmosphere which in the loudness definitely outperformed the supporters of the Liechtenstein team. The game ended with a friendly score 1:1.


In their facebook page Latvian football federation expressed many thanks to all the fans that came and supported the Latvian national football team and said that the support was very loud and could be heard in the stadium.

We want to say special thanks to students from Latvia Diana and Rolands who contacted Latvian football federation and provided this great opportunity to many students watch the game and have a great evening filled with wonderful emotions!
Written by Anete Berzina from Latvia, Master student Banking and Financial services at Universität Liechtenstein.