
4607759: Community Design

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Semester:WS 18/19
Lektionen / Semester:16.0 L / 12.0 h
Selbststudium:48.0 h



Masterstudium Architektur (01.09.2014)



The focus of this module is on the investigation of social, economic and cultural factors driving community development in the Global North and South. Particular attention is paid to the relationship of social structures and spatial design within this process. Interdisciplinary approaches are used to investigate cases of neighbourhood and community design at various scales and socio-political contexts that highlight the potential and risks when designing for / within a community.

Some areas explored in the framework of communities and urban development include: Neighborhoods and social interaction in public space; heterotopias and spatial segregation; cultural identity, creativity and place; incentives for sharing common resources, collective action, cooperation and participation.


Professional competence

  • Recognize parameters and factors contributing to the formation of communities and neighbourhoods
  • Show awareness of personal responsibility and professional codes and incorporate a critical ethical dimension into own work
  • Explain competently, discuss and critique own work through oral presentations, writing or visual communication, to members from inside and outside the architectural profession
  • Analyse case studies and infer principles and motivations

Methodological competence
  • Identify key elements of problems and choose appropriate methods for their resolution in a considered manner

Social competence
  • Discuss and articulate ideas and information fluently
  • Demonstrate the ability to work with other students for assignments, exercises, experiments, presentations etc

Personal competence
  • Assess own work and put it into a historical, theoretical, cultural and social context.
  • Seek and make use of feedback.



Lecture and seminar: case studies, discourse, writing, interviews


Angelil, M. & Hehl, R. eds.. "Cidade de Deus- City of God: Working with Informalized Mass Housing in Brazil." Berlin: Ruby Press. 2013
Augé, Marc. "From Places to Non-Places," in Non-Places: An Introduction to Supermodernity, trans. John Howe. Verso, 1995: 75-115.
Foucault, Michel and Jay Miskowiec. "Of Other Spaces." diacritics, 1986 (1967): 22-27.
Bartling, Hugh. "A master-planned community as heterotopia" in Dehaene, M., and De Cauter, L. eds.. Heterotopia and the City: Public Space in a Postcivil Society. New York: Routledge 2008: 165-177
Caldeira, T. P.do R. "City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in São Paulo."Univ of California Press. 2000.
Castells, M. "The city and the grassroots. A cross-cultural theory of urban social movements." Berkeley: University of California Press (California series in urban development, [2]). 1983: 201-212; 291-331
Gehl, Jan. "Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space". trans. Jo Koch. Van Nostrand, 1987.
Gieseking, J. J., et al. The People, Place, and Space Reader. New York: Routledge. 2014.
Harvey, D. "Paris, Capital of Modernity." Psychology Press. 2003.
Harvey, David. "Social Process and Spatial Form" in LeGates, Richard T. & Stout, Frederic, eds. The City Reader. Routledge, 1997: 227-234.
Hofmann Susanne. "Architecture is Participation. Die Baupiloten Methods and Projects". JOVIS Verlag. 2014.
Jacobs, Jane. "The Death and Life of Great American Cities". Random House LLC, 1961.
Jacobs, Jane." The Economy of Cities". New York: Vintage. 1970
Kaps, Vera. "Lebensstil Kalkbreite. Gebaute Nachhaltigkeit als identitätsstiftendes Merkmal am Beispiel der Kalkbreite Zürich". unpublished Paper. Vaduz, 2015
Koolhaas, R "Delirious New York. A retroactive manifesto for Manhattan." New ed. New York: Monacelli Press. 1994.
Koolhaas, Rem and Bruce Mau. "The Generic City" in SMLXL. Montacelli Press, 1995: 1248-1264.
Lefebvre, Henri; Kofman, Eleonore; Lebas, Elizabeth: "Writings on cities." Cambridge, Mass, USA: Blackwell Publishers. 1996:147-159
Lefebvre, Henri. "XII" and "XV" in The Production of Space. Vol. 142. Blackwell: Oxford, 1991.
Lepik, Andreas. "Small scale, big change: New architectures of social engagement". New York, Basel: Museum of Modern Art; Birkhäuser. 2010.
Reikersdorfer, Clarissa., & Bronner, Ulrike. "Urban Nomads. Building Shanghai: Migrant Workers and the Construction Process " transcript Verlag: Bielefeld. 2016.
Turner John: "Housing by People: Towards Autonomy in Building Environments, Ideas in progress" London: Marion Boyars, 1976


Portfolio, exercises, minimum 75% mandatory presence


  • PAR MA 14_Community Design (WS 18/19, in Planung)