
Liechtenstein Workshop of Sustainable Finance 2021

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Thursday, 23.09.2021
09:00 - 16:30
Webinar via Zoom


The Institute for Finance at the University of Liechtenstein is pleased to announce a call for papers for an academic conference on sustainable finance, which will be held on September 23rd, 2021 by the University of Liechtenstein.

Workshop Programme

09.00-09.05 Welcome and Introduction
Prof. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti, Chair in Business
Administration, Banking and Financial Management,
Institute for Finance, University of Liechtenstein

Paper Presentations and Discussion
25 min. Paper Presentation
10 min. Discussant I (one of the other speakers)
10 min. Discussant II (Expert from VP Bank)
10 min. Audience

09.05-09.55 Speaker #1
Do Investors Care About Impact
Julian F. Kölbel, University of Zurich/ MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge

10.00-10.50 Speaker #2
Decision rules for long-term value creation
Willem Schramade, Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation, Sustainable Finance Factory

10.55-11.45 Speaker #3
ESG rating disagreement and stock returns
Philipp Krueger, University of Geneva

11.50-12.40 Speaker #4
Do activist investors walk the talk? Evidence on shareholder proposals and proxy voting by PRI signatories
Martin Nerlinger, University of St. Gallen (HSG)
12.40-13.25 LUNCH BREAK

Paper Presentations and Discussion

13.25-14.15 Speaker #5
Green Sentiment, Stock Returns, and Corporate Behavior
Stefano Ramelli, University of Zurich

14.20-15.10 Speaker #6
The Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility:
A Willingness to Pay Experiment

Nadja Guenster, University of Muenster

15.15-16.05 Speaker #7
The costs of being sustainable: Cross-country evidence
Jukka Kettunen, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki
Award Ceremony

16.05-16.25 Award Ceremony

  • Best Paper Award: VP Bank AG, Vaduz
  • Impact Award: LIFE Klimastiftung Liechtenstein, Vaduz

16.25-16.30 Closing Words and Farewell

(programme subject to changes)


  • Practitioners in Politics, Economy and Administration
  • Academics in the Field of Finance
  • Students and Graduates


Prof. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti
Dr. Hendrik Peer Kimmerle


CHF 80.-




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