Foresight for a product lifetime: developing a lifecycle-encompassing foresight process

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Scheuffele, M., Bayrle-Kelso, N., & Brecht, L. (2023). Foresight for a product lifetime: developing a lifecycle-encompassing foresight process. Paper presented at the XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.


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For corporate and technology foresight to reach its full potential in detecting weak signals and multi-perspective trends, sophisticated integration with organizational structures and ongoing management processes is necessary. One innovation management discipline that could particularly benefit from adopting a dedicated foresight process is product lifecycle management (PLM). The review of foresight and PLM literature shows that there are indeed various intersections between both topics and that a product lifecycle-encompassing foresight process is not only desirable but feasible. As a research-in-progress contribution this paper presents the current development status of a novel foresight process for PLM that aims to accompany products with valid trend insights while they evolve through their lifecycles. This includes a literature review of established foresight and PLM processes, on the basis of which further process development via method engineering will be conducted, plus the preliminary analysis of qualitative data regarding organisational and processual phenomena in foresight activities.


Foresight for a (product) lifetime: developing a lifecycle- encompassing foresight process
FFF-Förderprojekt, Juni 2023 bis April 2023

Der Umgang mit Diskontinuitäten im Markt, sich wandelnden Wettbewerbsvorteilen und bestehenden Informationsunsicherheiten in Entscheidungs- und Innovationsprozessen stellt eine tägliche ... mehr



  • Liechtenstein Business School
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Technology & Innovation

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