5210550: FU_Communication and Self-Empowerment for Successful Leaders and Entrepreneurs

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Semester:WS 21/22
Lektionen / Semester:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Selbststudium:67.5 h



Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2012)
Masterstudium Architektur (01.09.2014)
Bachelorstudium Architektur (01.09.2014)
Fakultätsübergreifende Wahlfächer (01.09.2014)
Masterstudium Information Systems (01.09.2015)
Masterstudium Finance (01.09.2015)
Masterstudium Entrepreneurship (01.09.2015)
Masterstudium Entrepreneurship und Management (01.09.2018)
Masterstudium Wirtschaftsinformatik (01.09.2019)
Bachelorstudium Architektur (01.09.2019)
Masterstudium Architektur (01.09.2019)
Masterstudium Entrepreneurship und Management (01.09.2020)
Masterstudium Finance (01.09.2020)
Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2021)


  • Language concerns us all. It is important for our interpersonal exchange and for passing on information. However, language can be and is much more than that. By consciously using your language, you promote your entrepreneurial success and an appreciative corporate culture. Hence, the language of a company is always the language of its economic success.
  • In this course, you will learn how to use language for your personal and entrepreneurial success using examples of everyday situations in professional as well as private life. Because as the saying goes "your ‚I can' is more important than your IQ".
  • This focus on the benefits of a situation, expressed by a language of possibilities, as well as a certain set of attitudes and habits is the common denominator of highly successful and internationally acclaimed leaders in all fields, be it business, politics, sports, culture, etc.
  • In times of widespread complexity, revolutionary transformation, and high uncertainty it takes working on yourself, on your inner core. The smartest leaders in the world focus inward in order to harness possibilities, discover new ways to - personal as well as professional - success, and find meaning and purpose in their lives.
  • In this course, you will learn and train the most important tools of self-empowerment and self-mastery that distinguish highly successful people from people of mediocrity.


Participants are able to …

  • … experience the power of language, and understand and feel the specific, research-based effects of words, phrases, and sentence patterns
  • … move from idioms that are exhausting and negative to language-patterns which are uplifting and beneficial
  • … increase their personal presence and power of persuasion, advancing their positions and ideas
  • … lead richer and more meaningful conversations through hearing what they're really saying and feeling what they actually mean
  • … leave pressure and agitation behind, by strengthening their own strength and self
  • … create a peaceful and constructive climate, professionally and privately
  • … apply ways to make their thinking, confidence, and performance irresistible
  • … immediately implement the most important, life-changing tools of self-empowerment
  • … change their mindset to winning



Methodological mix of input, reflection, group work, role play, …

Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich)

Good command of English language, as language nuances play a role in this course


Reading material will be provided.


  • Course based on continuous assessment, details see under "assessment".
  • Meeting attendance obligations is an essential pre-requisite for successfully completing a course based on continuous assessment.
  • Attendance must be proven for at least 80% of the stipulated contact time. Responsibility for checking and providing written proof of this obligatory attendance lies with the course lecturer who is required to store this information at least until the end of the semester.
  • In the case of absenteeism that exceeds the specified limits of absence, a medical certificate is required. Responsibility lies with the head of the Coordination Office for Cross-Faculty Elective Subjects to approve the reason for the student's failure to attend.
  • Participation in other activities of the university are not recognized as an excused absence.



Assessment tasks:
Part A: (40%) - Attendance and active participation
Part B: (60%) - Presentation during last module
Compulsory attendance (min. 80%)


  • P-FU_Communication and Self-Empowerment for Successful Leaders and Entrepreneurs (WS 21/22, in Planung)