uni.liStudiumStudiengängeBachelor BetriebswirtschaftslehreWissenswertesCurriculumVertiefung Information Management and Information Technology (IMIT)

Dr. rer. oec. Harmonie Sauer

Happiness and Absenteeism in the Workplace
FFF-Förderprojekt, Januar 2009 bis Dezember 2012 (abgeschlossen)

Absenteeism is one of the largest internal cost drivers in organizations as it causes both direct costs - such as lower productivity - and indirect costs - such as a drop in work morale. Research on ... mehr

Can Formal Rules Promote Happiness in the Workplace? The Influence of Formalization, Types of Rules and Organizational Identity on an Employee’s Happiness
Dissertation, September 2008 bis Januar 2013 (abgeschlossen)

Philosophy has explored what the term happiness describes and how it can be achieved in great depth. A common distinction of happiness in the literature is made between the direct experience of ... mehr