uni.liStudiumStudiengängeBachelor BetriebswirtschaftslehreWissenswertesCurriculumVertiefung Information Management and Information Technology (IMIT)

Prof. Konstantinos Sergakis

  • Katelouzou, D., & Sergakis, K. (2021). When harmonization is not enough: shareholder stewardship in the European Union. European Business Organisation Law Review, 22(2), 203 - 240. (ABDC_2022: B)

  • Kokkinis, A., & Sergakis, K. (2020). A Flexible Model for Efficient Employee Participation in UK Companies. Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 453-493. (ABDC_2022: A)

  • Autenne, A., Boindi, Y., Cavalier, G., Cotiga-Raccah, A., Doralt, P., Haslam, C., Horak, H., Malberti, C., Philippe, D., Sergakis, K., & Schmidt, J. (2018). The current challenges for EU company and financial law and regulation. Accounting, Economics, and Law: a Convivium, 8(3). (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B/C)

  • Sergakis, K. (2017). The Relevance of Time in Framing the Sanctions Framework for Defective Disclosure. European Business Law Review (EBLR), 28(3), 331-366. (ABDC_2022: C)

  • Sergakis, K. (2015). Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the “Comply or Explain” Principle in EU Capital Markets. Accounting, Economics, and Law: a Convivium, 5(3), 233-288. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B/C)
