4407768: Design Seminar: Contemplate. Negotiate. Create.

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Semester:WS 17/18
Plansemester:1 - 4
Lektionen / Semester:56.0 L / 42.0 h
Selbststudium:18.0 h



Masterstudium Architektur (01.09.2014)


During an intensive weekly workshop it enables students to further deepen their knowledge of an issue addressed in the project studios and/ or conduct excursions to places and sites addressed in their design project.


Professional competence

  • Execute complex defined and self-defined projects of research, development or investigation and identify and implement relevant outcomes.
  • Communicate and articulate ideas and information fluently in English language and work comprehensively in visual, oral and written forms.
  • Make formal presentations about specialist topics to informed audiences.
  • Exercise autonomy and initiative in carrying out set project briefs and self-directed programmes of study.
  • Demonstrate ability to manage time and physical resources in relation to set project briefs and self-directed programmes of study as an individual and a group member.
  • Show confidence in analysing case studies and the ability to infer principles and motivations.

Methodological competence
  • Apply a variety of design- and research methods and visualization and production techniques
  • Have knowledge of scientific or artistic methods within an interdisciplinary context

Social competence
  • Explain competently, discuss and critique own work through oral presentations, writing or visual communication
  • Lead a team and assume responsibility
  • Demonstrate the ability to work with other students for assignments, exercises, experiments, presentations etc

Personal competence
  • Gain confidence in own role, and the persuasive and accountable manner in which it is expected to be performed.



Intensive seminar week: excursion, exercises, experiment, research, writing, visualising, modelling, presenting, case study, peer feedback


Literature lists are issued and updated each semester


Presentation, portfolio, participation, minimum 75% mandatory presence


  • PAR MA 14_Design Seminar: Contemplate. Negotiate. Create. (WS 17/18, in Planung)