4509087: C12_Research Methods I

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Semester:SS 18
Lektionen / Semester:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Selbststudium:67.5 h



Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2012)


Introduction into methodology, the basics of research foundations, research philosophies and approaches, development and the implementation and analysis of research projects.


    • know the most important methodological approaches and instruments of social sciences
    • understand the relevant influencing factors of research decisions
    • describe the most important approaches for various problem situations
    • correctly implement methodological instruments and approaches
    • identify the relevant influential factors in the research process
    • analyze the consequences of methodological decisions on the research process and results
    • assess research approaches and evaluate their suitability in various situations
    • reflect upon the basic types of research design
    • interpret and explain the prerequisites of research strategies
    • apply the basic research approaches to new problems
    • compare alternative research approaches, identify similarities and differences
    • summarize and evaluate the various research approaches
    • determine if certain models (i.e. approaches) can be implemented in concrete situations and choose an appropriate model/approach for the situation under research
    • understand different point of views a research design can be based on
    • acquire new or alternative approaches to solutions and link them to your own approaches
    • tolerate different points of view
    • use various points of view constructively in order to develope and use new arguments

Voraussetzungen (formal)

The following conditions need to be met prior to registering for the module:

  • successful completion of English I
  • successful completion of additional first year programme modules amounting to at least 45 credit points.


The successfull completion of this module is necessary for registering in the Module Research Methods II.