4906591: C12_Technology and Innovation Management

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Semester:SS 20
Lektionen / Semester:60.0 L / 45.0 h
Selbststudium:135.0 h



Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2012)


The module aims at understanding technology and innovation management in companies, answering questions such as the definition of innovation and how it can be promoted or the connection between strategy and innovation. In addition to inputs in general lecture style, the students will develop and prototype a product or service based on a given technology.

Further core topics include:
- Importance and impact of technology and innovation management on society and industry, as well as the importance of according strategies
- Industry dynamics of technological innovation (sources of innovation, types and patterns, standards and design dominance, timing
- Formulating of technological innovation strategy (definition of the organization's strategic direction, choosing innovation projects, collaboration strategies, protecting of innovation)
- Implementing technological innovation strategy (organization for innovation, managing the new product development process, managing the new product development teams, crafting a deployment strategy)


    • know classical types of innovation
    • know the basics of intellectual property rights
    • understand the innovation process, as well as its funding
    • are able to use models of collaborative innovation in case studies
    • are able to analyze the assumptions of the realization or implementation of ideas
    • synthesize the learning content of the lecture within a project (idea generation up to the development of a prototype)
    • evaluate the performance of fellow students
    • know relevant scientific publications
    • understand scientific publications and are able to locate them within the body of literature
    • implement the learning content in a comprehensive innovation project
    • are able to identify core publications
    • work with and solve case studies
    • implement the learning content in a comprehensive innovation project
    • evaluate the performance of fellow students and rank oneself within all performances
    • jointly work on a project
    • understand and accept different points of view on the same topic
    • evaluate fellow students performance and the own performance
    • are able to support and argument for the own attitude or position during discussions
    • commitment and persistence
    • Focus on decision making in situations with an abundance of information
    • justify and explain the own project results

Voraussetzungen (formal)

The following conditions need to be met prior to registering for the module:

  • successful completion of English I
  • successful completion of additional first year programme modules amounting to at least 45 credit points.