Module WS 2023/2024

Ziel der Lehrveranstaltung ist es, das akademische Schreiben und Präsentieren zu wiederholen und zu vertiefen. Die Lehrveranstaltung behandelt folgende Themenfelder:
  • Darstellung einer problemorientierten Abhandlung
  • Aufbau und Gliederung
  • Bemessung und Begrenzung der Forschungstiefe
  • Differenzierung und Auswahl von Zitationsstilen
  • Vermeidung von Plagiat und Selbstplagiat
  • Verbesserung von Ausdrucksweise und Schreibstil
  • Auswahl der adäquaten Argumentationsmethode
  • Rhetorik und Ausdruck
  • Präsentations- und Vortragsmethoden
Die Lehrveranstaltung behandelt folgende Themenfelder:
  • Forschungsmethoden in der Rechtswissenschaft
  • Vertiefung der juristischen Arbeitstechniken (Datenbanken, Recherche, Legistik)
  • Lokalisation von juristischen Problemstellungen
  • Zeitmanagement
  • Schreiben, Lesen, Präsentieren oder Denken?
  • Kontakte und Netzwerk als Chance und Herausforderung
  • Erstellung von Forschungsplänen
  • Rechtstheoretische Forschung vs Rechtstatsachenforschung (Empirie)
  • Methodenmix in der Forschung
  • Analytische und experimentelle Bewertung von Forschung
  • Umfragen in der Forschung
  • Fallstudien und Aktionsforschung
This module is a cross-faculty elective course of all PhD programmes of the University of Liechtenstein. It is a joint course, involving students from different schools, in order to broaden the students` horizon beyond their individual disciplinary focus and to enable them to reflect and discuss their own work from the perspective of different disciplines.

The course is organized in form of a Doctoral Consortium, in which participants present their research and discuss it with the faculty and fellow PhD students of the course. The primary objective of the research colloquium is to present and justify the PhD students' research in an interdisciplinary research colloquium.

Assessment by the professors enables candidates to appraise if their research ideas meet the requirements and goals of a dissertation. Since the research colloquium is mentored by an interdisciplinary academic committee, this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.

Students receive feedback on their research by faculty members of different faculties. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results. As a research colloquium the module aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, the module is designed to position and reflect their work in academic research communities beyond their own fields.

The interdisciplinary nature of the course is an important element to enable the students to engage with other in making contributions of value to society. We understand that such solutions do not come from single disciplines but live on the interdisciplinary discourse, which requires both methodological as well as conceptual and social skills, which are delivered in this course.

Students benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and debating results with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frameworks, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to comply with the respective research standards.

This module addresses the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original.