Lektionen / Semester:46.5 L / 35.0 h
Selbststudium:115.0 h
- Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer
Doktoratsstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften (01.09.2008)Lehrveranstaltungen
This module includes participation in a specialized external methodology course and (in case of missing ECTS) in the "Finance Research Seminar", offered at the University of Liechtenstein.
Research Methods in International Financial Services can vary widely in design and content, as they cover a specific research area either in Banking or in Finance or in Taxation. This module description is an example and developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be chosen and credited.
- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
Finance Research Seminar:
Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in the "Finance Research Seminar", a seminar with invited guest speakers from foreign universities, presenting a piece of their most current work.
By attending the "Finance Research Seminar" the student has the opportunity to extend the knowledge gained from the very specific outside methodology course with further methodological approaches and to relate and his chosen research methodology to other methodologies in use in the field of Banking, Finance and Taxation. The "Finance Research Seminar" will be offered every semester or every second semester.
In case outside courses are offered with less than 5 ECTS, the student could earn additional ECTS by presenting a well developed paper in the "Finance Research Seminar".
The module "Research Methods in International Financial Services " aims at deepening the students' competencies regarding knowledge in their research design.
- This course should help - based on research methods offered on the master's level - to apply advanced econometric research methods, currently used by the research community.
- This course helps the student to independently develop a research concept for specific research questions.
- This course helps students to discuss methodological issues with colleagues working in the same area.
Students will be able to
- have an advanced overview of econometric principles for cross-sectional, panel, and time-series data sets.
- apply econometric techniques in the area of microeconomics, macroeconomics and finance.
Lecture and self-study; presentation and paper by students is possible.
Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich)
Will be announced topic-specifically in the course.
The students will be assessed in this module through:
- Written exam and/or presentation of a paper
Module availability:
To participate, the student applies to the management of doctoral programmes of large foreign universities or university consortia. For presenting a paper at the "Finance Research Seminar" the student applies to the coordinator of the seminar.