4604646: Doctoral Consortium on Information and Process Management Science

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Semester:WS 18/19
Lektionen / Semester:40.0 L / 30.0 h
Selbststudium:120.0 h



Doktoratsstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften (01.09.2008)


This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.

By means of submitting their work to an internationally reknown doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.

Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.

Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.


The primary objective of the doctoral consortium is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.



Students will be assisted by lecturers of the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Liechtenstein in preparing their proposal and application for the doctoral consortium. Accepted students will take part in the consortium. Also a reflection of the lessons learned at the consortium together with the lecturers at Liechtensetin is part of the module.

Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich)

Research Design, Theories of the Firm, Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science


The students will be assessed in this module through:

  • Competitive Selection Process of the docotral consortium
  • Research paper submitted to the doctoral consortium
  • Assessment by the Professors discussing the proposal at the doctoral consortium


Module availability:
On application at an internationally renown doctoral consortium, e.g. at ICIS, International Conference on Information Systems; ECIS, European Conference on Information Systems; AMCIS, American Conference on Information Systems or ACIS, Australasian Conference on Information Systems.