3606587: C12_International Marketing

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Semester:WS 13/14
Lektionen / Semester:60.0 L / 45.0 h
Selbststudium:135.0 h



Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2012)


Introduction to International Marketing: basics and characteristics of international marketing, political roles, cultural and economic environments, international market research, development, implementation and coordination of international marketing programs.


    • Know the most important instruments for the development and implementation of marketing measures as well as types of international marketing strategies.
    • Understand the most important influencing factors on decisions made in international marketing processes, can describe the most important marketing strategies for various actors.
    • Correctly apply international marketing instruments.
    • Identify the relevant influential factors for the international marketing process, analyze the consequences of entrepreneurial decisions in an international environment.
    • Develop fitting marketing strategies depending on the company type or level of internationalization.
    • Evaluate marketing strategies and their fit in various situations.
    • Know the basic types of international marketing strategies
    • Explain and interpret the prerequisites for these strategies
    • Apply basic international marketing models in new situations
    • Compare alternative marketing approaches, identify similarities and differences
    • Summarize the various strategies and approaches, evaluate these
    • Determine whether certain models or approaches can be implemented in concrete situations, and choose fitting models/ approaches in ideal situations.
    • Listen to and acknowledge the arguments of fellow students
    • Find solutions to small case studies in teams
    • Evaluate the solutions of colleagues, study and compare these with own solution
    • Consider new or alternative solution approaches and link these with your own approach
    • Represent and defend your own solution in light of critique
    • Tolerate various points of view
    • Constructively use different points of view towards the development of new arguments
    • Take on responsibility for own decisions
    • Can adjust their own needs to the various needs of others
    • Can defend own opinions and decisions

Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich)

Grundlagen des Managements

  • Business, Marketing
International Management
  • Business, Marketing
Grundlagen des Managements (Scientific work)
  • Ability to work independently, basic knowledge of scientific work

Voraussetzungen (formal)

Voraussetzung für die Anmeldung zum Modul:

  • erfolgreicher Abschluss von English I
  • erfolgreicher Abschluss von weiteren Modulen des 1. Regelstudienjahres im Umfang von weiteren 45 Credits.