Module SS 2024

  • Die Erörterung der zentralen historischen und architekturtheoretischen Grundlagen der Tektonik.
  • Die Untersuchung des kommunikativen Potentials der Tektonik sowie die Frage nach ihrer Relevanz und Gültigkeit im zeitgenössischen Kontext.
  • Die praktische Annäherung an das Phänomen des Tektonischen mittels Übungen (Zeichnung und Modell).
The Master's Thesis builds upon the Preliminary Study. It includes a developed hypothesis which is verified (or falsified) within the context of a given or freely chosen design project.
This module, to be undertaken in the third semester, allows students to compose a Preliminary Study. The Preliminary Study serves as a basis for the Master's Thesis. It contains a research question, an in-depth theoretical investigation as well as a conceptual outline for the Historical and Theoretical Report as well as the Technical Report.
Das Bachelorstudium zeichnet sich durch eine enge Verbindung zur Praxis aus. Die Studierenden erhalten durch die Erarbeitung eines Pro Bono Projektes einen vertieften Einblick in die drei massgeblichen Bereiche der beruflichen Tätigkeit von Konzeptphase, Ausführungsphase und Reflexionsphase. Sie verbinden damit ihre theoretischen Studien an der Universität - dem Stand ihrer Ausbildung entsprechend - mit praxisrelevanter Arbeit.
This module will show students how to manage projects and teams Students will learn how to deal with clients, understand the role of marketing, the basics of accounting and leadership, thus preparing them for their future role as responsible employers.
The module identifies key parameters to guarantee sustainable construction. Sourcing, manufacturing, logistics, assembly and recycling are put into relation with contemporary architectural practice. A critical approach to current design paradigms and consequent positions in design are developed.
To support the holistic educational aim of artistic and technically skilled graduates, this report unites technical disciplines embedded in the curriculum into a compulsory document/ report.
It is coordinated with the lecturers of the technical subjects that are supporting it by iterative consultations. Intensive research, experiments on material or processing level, simulations, cooperation with industries, innovative interpretation of taught content and tools, are just some examples how students prove their technical skills applied to the design process of their individual project.
To support the holistic educational aim of artistic and technically skilled graduates, this report unites technical disciplines embedded in the curriculum into a compulsory document/ report.
It is coordinated with the lecturers of the theoretical subjects that are supporting it by iterative consultations.